
There are two opposing forces in the world: Law, and Chaos.

Each Creature is aligned with one of these two sides, or is Neutral.

Alignment of creatures are determined by their Species.

Creature Alignment Table

Below are the align Creature Alignments. See the Creatures section for other creatuerse that have no alignment of their own.

Law Neutral Chaos
Humans*^ Humans*^ Humans*^
Lycanthropes*^ Lycanthropes*^ Lycanthropes*^
Centaurs* Centaurs* Balor
Dwarves* Dwarves* Evil High Priests
Elves* Elves* Gargoyles
Gnomes* Gnomes* Ghouls
Rocs* Rocs* Gnolls
Golden Dragons Chimeras^ Chimeras^
Halflings Minotaurs^ Minotaurs^
Hippogriffs Giants^ Giants^
Patriarchs Orcs^ Orcs^
Pegasus Ogres^ Ogres^
Treants Dragons^ Dragons^
Unicorns Animals Goblins
Dryads Gorgons
Griffons Hobgoblins
Hydras Kobolds
Nixies Manticores
Pixies Medusae
Purple Worms Mummies
Sea Creatures Spectres
Wyverns Trolls

*Either Law or Neutrality.

^Either Neutrality or Chaos.