Character Attributes

Each Character has the following six Attributes:

Each Attribute is a score ranging from 3 to 18.

For each Character Vocation, one of the six Attributes is their Primary. A Vocation’s Primary Attribute is potentially used to modify a Character’s earned Experience Points. See the Experience section for details.

Explanation of Attributes


Primary for Fighters.


Primary for Mages.

Characters will know one additional language for every Intelligence point above 10. See the Languages section for what other languages they may know.


Primary for Clerics.


A Character’s Constitution can modify their Hit Point maximum. When rolling their Hit Dice, modify their Hit Point maximum according to the following table:

Constitution Hit Point Maximum Modification
15 or more + 1 per Hit Dice
7 to 14 none
6 or less - 1 per Hit Dice that rolled above 1

Characters have a chance of surviving being paralyzed, turned to stone, and being raised from the dead depending on their Constitution as follows:

Constitution Chance of Survival
13 or more 100%
12 90%
11 80%
10 70%
9 60%
8 50%
7 or less 40%

May affect a Character’s accuracy with missile weapons. When a Character attacks with a missile weapon, modify their attack roll according to the following table:

Dexterity Missile Attack Modification
13 or more +1
9 to 12 none
8 or less -1

Affects the maximum number of Non-Player Characters that a Character can hire into their service.

Charisma number of Hirelings
Charisma Score Maximum Number of Hirelings
3 or 4 1
5 or 6 2
7 to 9 3
10 to 12 4
13 to 15 5
16 or 17 6
18 12