Player Characters who have built a Stronghold in the Wilderness can control the surrounding land, thus creating a Barony. They must first clear the land of hostile Creatures in the following way:
The Player Character moves a force to a hex.
The Referee determines if there is a Creature Encounter by using the Wandering Creatures section of the Wilderness Exploration rules.
If there is an Encounter, the Player Character’s force must remove the Creature(s).
If no Creature is encountered, the hex is already counted as cleared.
Hexes up to a distance of 4 from a stronghold can be cleared.
= Stronghold
Hexes with ..
in them are the furthest that can be included
in a Barony.
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Once cleared, the land is kept clear of Creatures by the inhabitants of the Stronghold.
Within a Baronie’s land there will be 2d4 villages. Each village will have 1d4*100 inhabitants.
Income for a Barony is a tax of 10 Gold Pieces per inhabitant of the Barony per game year.