In addition to the properties common to all Creatures; Characters have the following extras:
Characters have other details derrived from the above propertise as described in the following sections.
There are three different Vocations a Character could have:
There are four different Species a Character could be:
Only Elves and Humans can be Mages.
Only Humans can be Clerics.
Cleric | Fighter | Mage | |
Dwarf | No | Yes | No |
Elf | No | Yes | Yes |
Halfling | No | Yes | No |
Human | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Players can choose to have a relative of their Character designated in a will to inherit their possessions. This inheritance comes into effect if the Character is missing from society for one month or more in game time. The missing Character is presumed dead, and their death does not need to be confirmed.
If a Player’s Character dies, and they have no relative designated in a will, then the Player no longer controls the Character’s possessions.
If the inheritance comes into effect, the designated relative becomes the owner of the estate of the Character. The relative pays a 10% tax on the value of the estate. The relative becomes the player’s new Character. They choose a Vocation and must start at level 1.
If the original Character returns, they can take ownership of their estate again but must pay an additional 10% tax in order to do so. The relative may be allowed to stay on as a Non-Player Character Hireling in the service of the Player Character.
A Character’s Attributes and other properties are partially generated by dice rolls, and partially chosen by the Character’s Player.
The Character’s Player should write down the information that is generated or chosen as they go.
For each Character, follow the following procedure:
The Referee rolls 3d6 to determine each of the six Attribute scores of the Character.
Roll 3d6 * 10 to determine the number of Gold Pieces that the Character starts with.
The Character’s Player decides the Character’s Vocation and Species. Look up their Vocation Title.
Calculate the Character’s Experience Modification number and Earned Experience Multiplier. This is based on their Vocation and Attributes.
If possibel, chooses what Alignment the Character is. This depends on their Species. See the Alignment rules.
Note the Language(s) the Character knows, including extra languages if their Intelligence allows.
Look up the Character’s Chance of Survival for their Constitution.
Roll the Character’s level 1 Hit Dice for their Vocation to determine their Hit Point maximum. Include any modification for their Constitution.
Look up the Character’s Missile Attack Modification for their Dexterity.
Look up the Character’s Maximum Number of Hirelings for their Charisma.
The Player chooses a Name for their Character.
The Character’s Experience Points start at zero and so their Vocation level starts at 1.
Note the Character’s Saving Throws as determined by their Vocation or Species.
The Character spends their starting Gold Pieces on any Normal Items they want. The use of Normal items may be limited by their Vocation.
Determine the Character’s Defence from any armour or shield they now wear.
Determine the Character’s Movement based on what they are now carrying and wearing.
The Character’s Player decides if the Character has a relative to inherit their possessions or not.
If the Character is a Mage, then decide which Spell they start with in their level 1 Spell Book
A sample of the record of a character appears like this:
Name: Nehtralyx
Strength: 6
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 13
Constitution: 12
Dexterity: 9
Charisma: 8
Gold Pieces: 15
Species: Human
Vocation: Mage
Title: Medium
Level: 1
Experience Points: 0
Experience Modification number: 13
Earned Experience Multiplier: 1.05
Hit Dice: 1d6
Hit Points maximum: 3
Current Hit Points: 3
Alignment: Law
Languages Known: Law, Common, Elvish
Chance of Survival: 90%
Missile Attack Modification: none
Maximum Number of Hirelings: 3
Saving Throws:
Death Ray or Poison 13
Wands 14
Being Turned to Stone 13
Dragon Breath 16
Staves & Spells 15
Items: Dagger, Chain Mail, 50' Rope, 6 Torches, Leather Back Pack, Iron
Weight Carried: 600
Movement: 12
Defence: 5
Relatives: none
1st Level spells: Sleep