Combat in the Air

Aerial combat can be played in one of two ways:

  1. Using miniatures on a playing area 6 feet square.

  2. Using paper counters and a hex grid of at least 48 by 48 hexes.

Altitude Tracking

Altitude should be tracked with counters. For this you will need to make counters numbered from 1 to the maximum altitude that a unit will fly at. Having spare blank paper counters to write new altitudes on would be helpful.

At the end of each unit’s turn place a counter on the board next to it showing its current altitude.

Written Orders

Orders for each side’s movement should be written down and give to the Referee to carry out. Orders need to include the direction, distance, and altitude change of units.


Creature Movement is the number of inches they can move if playing with miniatures. Creature Movement is the number of hexes they can move if playing on a hex grid.

The following types of movement are possible:

Straight Ahead

The unit moves at their Movement in a straight line.


The following table shows how many times a creature can turn per move, and the minimum number that must be moved in a straight line between each turning:

Name or number the categories, and add to creature stat blocks

Potential names for categories








Category Number of Turns per Move Distance Between Turns
Sprite, Large Bird, or Large Insect 5 1
Human, Flying Broom, or Undead flyer 4 2
Cockatrice, or Gargoyle 3 3
Pegasus, Hippogriff, or Air Elemental 6 3
Flying Carpet, Manticore, or Wyvern 4 4
Chimera, Dragon, Roc, or Giant Insect 3 5
Giant Reptile 2 6

Decrease altitude by up to half total distance moved horizontally.

Diving Sharply

Add half again to the unit’s movement distance.

Movement must be in a straight line.

Move horizontally 1 for every 10 down.


Move vertically up the same number as forward.

Costs twice the movement distance that is climbed, plus the number in the “Distance Between Turns” column of the Turning table above.

Missile Fire

Missile fire happens at the end of a turn.

Units in melee cannot fire missiles.

Air to Air

As normal missile fire, but also depends on the position of the attacker relative to their target. If a hit is scored, roll on the Hit Flying Creature Tables for the position of the attacker relative to their target to see which location is hit. Then roll on the Critical Hit Tables depending on the Location hit.

Between Air and Ground

Treat as normal non-aerial combat missile fire.

Hit Flying Creature Tables

There is a table for each different Attacking direction below.

Attack from Front

1d10 Roll Location Hit on Target
1 or 2 Rider, or Body if no Rider
3 or 4 Head
5 or 6 Wing
7 to 0 Body

Attack from Side

1d10 Roll Location Hit on Target
1 Rider, or Body if no Rider
2 or 3 Head
4 or 4 Wing
6 to 9 Body
0 Tail

Attack from Top

1d10 Roll Location Hit on Target
1 Rider, or Body if no Rider
2 or 3 Head
4 or 7 Wing
8 to 9 Body
0 Tail

Attack from Bottom

1d10 Roll Location Hit on Target
1 or 2 Head
3 to 5 Wing
6 to 9 Body
0 Tail

Attack from Tail

1d10 Roll Location Hit on Target
1 or 2 Rider, or Body if no Rider
3 Head
4 or 5 Wing
6 to 8 Body
9 or 0 Tail

Critical Hit Tables

Roll 1d100 for the Location hit to see if it is critical on the following table. If the 1d100 result is under the percentage shown, then the hit is critical:

Hit Location Critical Hit Percentage Chance
Rider 25%
Head 20%
Wing 20%
Body 10%

If the hit is critical, the effect depends on the Location.

If a Critical Hit is scored on the Rider, then they always withdraw from the battle. Riders include all non-player characters under the third level.

Otherwise roll on the appropriate table below.

Critical Hit on Head

1d20 Roll Effect
1 or 2 Speed Halved
3 to 8 Dive and Land
9 to 16 Withdraw from Battle
17 to 20 Crash

Critical Hit on Wing

1d20 Roll Effect
1 to 10 Speed Halved
11 to 14 Dive and Land
15 to 20 Withdraw from Battle

Critical Hit on Body

1d20 Roll Effect
1 to 6 Speed Halved
7 to 12 Dive and Land
13 to 18 Withdraw from Battle
19 or 20 Crash

For every 1 inch of altitude, the rider takes 1d6 damage.


When opponents are within 3 inches then melee combat takes place the same as on land.