Experience Points and Character Levels

If Characters obtain treasure, or if they defeat enemy Creatures, they gain Experience Points for their current Vocation.

Experience Modifications

Each Character has an Experience Modification number which is calculated using their Attributes.

Start with the Character’s Primary Attribute value and add a certain amount based on their other Attributes to calculate their Experience Modification number. The amount to add depends on their Vocation. See the individual Vocation rules for each Character.

Once a Character’s Experience Modification number is calculated, look up their Earned Experience Multiplier on the following table:

Experience Modification Number Earned Experience Multiplier
15 or more 1.1 (+10%)
13 or 14 1.05 (+5%)
9 to 12 1 (none)
8 or 7 0.9 (-10%)
6 or less 0.8 (-20%)

Calculating Experience

Experience Points gained are calculated as follows:

  1. If a Creature is defeated then take the greater number between the defeated enemy Creature’s level, or the Underworld Level.

    If the Character’s level is less than or equal to this number, then Experience Points gained are the number times 100. If the Creature was guarding treasure, then add the treasure value in Gold Pieces to the Experience Points.

    If the Character’s level is greater than the initial number, then Experience Points gained are the sum of the number times 100 and the treasure value in Gold Pieces (if the Creature was guarding any), divided by the Character’s level, then times the number.

  2. If treasure is found without a Creature guarding it, then take the number of the Underworld Level.

    If the Character’s level is less than or equal to this number, then Experience Points gained is the treasure value in Gold Pieces.

    If the Character’s level is greater than the number, then Experience Points gained is the treasure value in Gold Pieces divided by the Character’s level, then times the number.

In either case the earned Experience Points are then multiplied by the Character’s Earned Experience Multiplier.

Experience Points earned during any single adventure are capped so that a Character can only go up one Vocation Level per adventure. If they would earn enough Experience Points to go up two levels, then the Character’s Experience Points become one point less than the number they need for that next Vocation Level.

Gaining Vocation Levels

Gaining enough Vocation Experience will increase a Character’s Level in that Vocation.

Gaining enough Experience Points will cause a Character to move up in Vocation Level. This happens if a Character reaches the number of Experience Points required for their Vocation’s next Level. See the Vocation’s rules for this number.

When a Character’s Vocation Level goes up, see their Vocation rules for what benefits they get.