Hired Forces

Hired forces can be Humans, Dwarves, or Elves.

Chaotic characters may hire Orcs.

Obtaining Hired Forces

In order to hire either of these persons it is necessary to do one or both of the following:

The weekly cost of either method is 1d6*100 Gold Pieces.

One Armourer is required for every 50 members of a force, except Non-Combatants. This is in order to maintain the Soldier arms and armour.

Hired forces require support and upkeep as follows:

Human Upkeep

Classification Cost Per Month in Gold Pieces
Non-Combatant 1
Light Foot 2
Heavy Foot 3
Archer 5
Crossbowman 4
Longbowman 10
Light Horseman 10
Medium Horseman 15
Heavy Horseman 20

Orc Upkeep

Classification Cost Per Month in Gold Pieces
Light Foot 1
Heavy Foot 1.5
Archer 3

Elf Upkeep

Classification Cost Per Month in Gold Pieces
Heavy Foot 5
Archer 10

Dwarf Upkeep

Classification Cost Per Month in Gold Pieces
Heavy Foot 4
Crossbowman 5