
A hireling is a Creature hired by a Player Chacter

Hiring Non-Player Characters

A Player Character can seek to hire other Charters that are not controlled directly by a Player. Characters of any Vocation can be hired but they can only be Vocation Level 1.

To hire a non-player Character a Player Character must advertises publicly, seek out, or send word to where the desired Character Vocation usually live.

Advertising for hiring costs money and takes time, both amounts determined by the Referee.

Once some response has been obtained, the player must make an offer to tempt the desired Character into their service.

Minimum Offer Non-Player Character
100 Gold Pieces Human
More than 100 Gold Pieces Dwarf
A magical item Mages and Elves
A place of worship to live in Clerics

Hiring Other Creatures

Creatures not detailed above can be hired if they are of the same alignment as the hiring Player Character.

Some reward must be offered to a Creature in order to entice it into service.

The Referee rolls 2d6 to determine how the creature will react:

2d6 Score Reaction
2 Attempts to attack
3 to 5 Hostile
6 to 8 Uncertain
9 to 12 Accepts offer

An “Uncertain” reaction leaves the door open to additional reward offers, but scores less than 6 do not.