Magic & Spells

Magic spells burn with an urgent power, pressing off the page of the book they are written on.

Memorising Spells

Spells are so cogent that a caster’s brain can know but few at a time.

A spell must be read from it’s book into the mind of the caster to live there until it is released via utterance. This preparation is typically done before setting out on an Adventure so as to not risk loss of the precious spell book.

Reading Magic

Magic writing on a scroll or item cannot be read noramlly. A Read Magic spell or equivilant effect is required in order to read written magic.

Spell Description Terms

Some spell descriptions use the following terms:

The Creature who is casting the spell.
How long the effect of the spell lasts. Only specified if limited.
Casting Time
How long it takes to cast the spell.
The distance from the Caster that the spell affects. the Target of the spell can be.
The target of the effect of a spell. Some spells do not require a target.

Spell Casting

Only Characters of certain Vocations can cast spells. Each Vocation that can cast Spells has its own list of existing Spells.

A Character’s Vocation Level determines the number of spells of each Spell Level that they can memorise. These numbers are how many individual spells of each Spell Level that the Character can remember during a single adventure.

A particular spell can only be used once per day.

When a spell is cast, the Referee must make note of the caster’s level. This determines the potency of the spell, and is required for the interaction with other spells such a Dispell Magic.

Spell Books

A Character who’s Vocation allows them to cast spells must have books to contain their spells. The Character requires one book for each Level of Spells. A Character will automatically aquire initial spell books for their Vocation spells that they are able to cast.

If a spell book is lost then it must be replaced either by a duplicate that was previously created, or by acquiring a new Spell Book from somewhere.

Duplicating a Spell Book

A spell book can be duplicated. The cost depends on the level of the spells in the book. For each spell to be copied to the new book, sum the cost from the table below.

Spell Level Cost in GP
1 2,000
2 4,000
3 8,000
4 16,000
5 32,000
6 64,000