Normal Items

Melee Weapons Cost in Gold Pieces Weight in Gold Pieces
Dagger 3 20
Hand Axe 3 50
Mace 5 50
Sword 10 50
Battle Axe 7 100
Morning Star 6 100
Flail 8 100
Spear 1 ?
Pole Arm 7 150
Halberd 7 150
Two-Handed Sword 15 150
Lance 4 ?
Pike 5 150
Missile Weapons Cost in Gold Pieces Weight in Gold Pieces
Short Bow 25 50
Long Bow 40 50
Composite Bow 50 50
Light Crossbow 15 50
Heavy Crossbow 25 50
Ammunition for Missile Weapons Cost in Gold Pieces Weight in Gold Pieces
Quiver with 20 Arrows 10 *
Case with 30 Quarrels 10 *
20 Arrows 5 *
30 Quarrels 5 *
Silver Tipped Arrow 5 *

*Miscellaneous Equipment (rope, spikes, bags, etc.) is counted as weighing 80 in total.

Armour Type Cost in Gold Pieces Weight in Gold Pieces Defence Improvement
Leather Armour 15 250 2
Chain Mail 30 500 4
Plate Mail 50 750 6
Helmet 10 50 ?
Shield 10 150 1
Horse Armour 150 750 ?
Equipment Cost in Gold Pieces Weight in Gold Pieces
50’ of Rope 1 *
10’ Pole 1 *
12 Iron Spikes 1 *

*Miscellaneous Equipment (rope, spikes, bags, etc.) is counted as weighing 80 in total.

Item (Containers) Cost in Gold Pieces Weight in Gold Pieces Max. Weight of Contents
Small Sack 1 * 50
Large Sack 2 * 300
Leather Back Pack 5 * 300
Water Skin 1 * ?
Wine Skin 1 30 ?

*Miscellaneous Equipment (rope, spikes, bags, etc.) is counted as weighing 80 in total.

Lighting Cost in Gold Pieces Weight in Gold Pieces
6 Torches 1 *
Lantern 10 *
Flask of Oil 2 *
Items For Countering Specific Creatures Cost in Gold Pieces
3 Stakes & Mallet 3
Steel Mirror 5
Silver Mirror, Small 15
Wooden Cross 2
Silver Cross 25
Holy Water/Vial 25
Wolvesbane, bunch 10
Belladonna, bunch 10
Garlic, bud 5
Food & Drink Cost in Gold Pieces
Wine, quart 1
Iron Rations 15
Standard Rations 5

Notes on Select Items

Quarrels are ammunition for Crossbows.

Iron Rations are for Underworld expeditions. One Iron Ration is enough food for one person for one week.

Standard Rations provide for one person for one week. Presumably for non-Underworld time?