Specialists are available to Characters that have their own stronghold.
In order to hire these types of people it is necessary to do one or both of the following:
The weekly cost of either method is 1d6*100 Gold Pieces.
Once a Specialsit has been found they have a certain cost of employment. This is detailed in each Specalist’s description.
Specialist Cost in Gold Pieces |
Ship Captain 250 per month
Cost: 1,000 Gold Pieces per month
Alchemists can make potions. They need the formula for a potion to make it. Cost to make a potion is half of it’s normal price.
Potion | Cost |
Potion of Healing | 125 Gold Pieces + 1 week |
Potion of Giant Strength | 500 Gold Pieces + 4 weeks |
Remove this as the Magical Research rules do not apply to poisons?? Poisons do not have levels
Alchemists may attempt to research new poisons.
The level of the poisons (determined by the referee) dictates the minimum gold and time required to have a chance at successfully researching the poisons.
More gold can be spent to increase the chance of success.
Poison Level | Gold Pieces | Weeks |
1 | 4,000 | 2 |
2 | 8,000 | 4 |
3 | 16,000 | 6 |
4 | 32,000 | 8 |
5 | 64,000 | 10 |
6 | 128,000 | 12 |
For every multiple of the minimum gold for the poisons level, there is a 20% chance of success, cumulative.
Multiple of Minimum Gold Spent | Chance of Success |
1 | 20% |
2 | 40% |
3 | 60% |
4 | 80% |
5 | 100% |
To successfully create the poison roll under the Chance of Success on a d100.
Cost: 100 Gold Pieces per month
An Armourer can perform maintenence on the arms and armour of up to 50 soldiers.
An Armourer can make arms and armour if they are not doing maintainance.
Arms and Armour | Number Per Month |
Suit of Armour | 1 |
Shields | 3 |
Weapons | 5 |
With a Smith assisting and one other person:
Arms and Armour | Number Per Month |
Suit of Armour | 2 |
Shields | 6 |
Weapons | 10 |
With two Smiths assisting and four other people:
Arms and Armour | Number Per Month |
Suit of Armour | 3 |
Shields | 9 |
Weapons | 15 |
Cost: 2,000 Gold Pieces per mission
The referee will decide what chance there is of the assassin’s mission being accomplished by noting the precautions taken by the intended victim. Some limit on the number of assassins employable during any game year must be enforced.
Cost: 500 Gold Pieces per month
Each Animal Trainer is capable of training one kind of animal. An animal trainer is necessary to train any animal other than horses or mules. An Animal Trainer can handle six animals. The length of time necessary to completely train the animals is up to the referee.
Cost: 750 Gold Pieces per month
Required for any of the following:
Cost: 10 Gold Pieces per month
All ships must be manned by a crew of Seamen under a Ship Captain. Move this to ship rules The number required is stated in the naval rules.
Those that are able to fight will receive pay both as a Seaman and as a Fighter.
Cost: 250 Gold Pieces per month
The captain of a ship. One is required for each ship.
Cost: 25 Gold Pieces per month
A Smith is able to assist an Armourer. How So?
For every 50 horses or mules in a player character’s force there must be one Smith to maintain them.