All ships must be manned by a crew of Seamen under a Ship Captain. The number required is stated in the Vessels section of the Combat on Water rules.
Item (Transport) | Cost in Gold Pieces | Weight in Gold Pieces |
Mule | 20 | |
Draft Horse | 30 | |
Light Horse | 40 | |
Warhorse, Medium | 100 | |
Warhorse, Heavy | 200 | |
Saddle | 25 | 250 |
Saddle Bags | 10 | ? |
Cart | 100 | |
Wagon | 200 | |
Raft | 40 | |
Small Boat | 100 | |
Small Merchant Ship | 5000 | |
Large Merchant Ship | 20000 | |
Small Galley | 10000 | |
Large Galley | 30000 |