Makes Creatures fall asleep.
Affects the following quantity of Creatures per their level or hit dice:
Creature Level (Hit Dice) | Quantity Affected |
1st (1d6 or less) | 2d8 |
2nd (1d6 + 1 to 2d6) | 2d6 |
3nd (2d6 + 1 to 3d6) | 1d6 |
4nd (3d6 + 1 to 4d6) | 1 |
If more than the quantity affected are within range, then determine which of them are affected randomly.
Range: 240 feet.
Ends the effect of any magic spell that the Referee deems reasonable.
Magic items are not affected.
The percentage chance of successfully dispelling is calculated as follows:
(the Dispel Magic caster’s level divided by the target magic caster’s level) times 100
Roll d100 equal to or below the percentage chance for the dispel to succeed. If the % chance is 100 or greater, there is no need to roll. The dispel automatically succeeds.
Duration: 1 turn.
Range: 120 feet.
Causes Creatures to become confused.
A Confused creature cannot act normally. Instead, roll 2d6 on the following table to see what action it will take for it’s turn:
Tabel: Confusion Action
2d6 roll | Action |
2 to 5 | Attack the caster’s party. |
6 to 8 | Do nothing. |
9 to 12 | Attack it’s ally |
Affects the following number of Creatures: 2d6 +1 for each level above 8th of the caster.
Affects Creatures with 2 Hit Dice or less instantly (level 2 and below).
Affects Creatures with more than 2 Hit Dice (level 3 and above) but possibly with a delay to the effect. To determine if there is a delay:
Creatures with 4 Hit Dice or more (level 4 and above) make a save vs magic against this Confusion spell once per turn.
If a Creature makes their save, they are no longer confused.
Duration: 12 turns.
Range: 120 feet.
Creates Skeletons or Zombies.
The created Creatures follow the caster’s commands.
The quantity created depens on the caster’s level as shown on the following table:
Caster’s Level | Number of Dead Animated |
9 | 1d6 |
10 | 2d6 |
11 | 3d6 |
Requires inanimate skeletons or dead bodies to be raised as Skeletons or Zombies respectively.
The effect can be dispelled by a Dispel Magic spell.
The caster is allowed to ask the Referee questions that can be answered “yes” or “no”.
The caster choose a plane number to contact on the table below. The plane number determines the following:
Casting limitation: once per game week.
Plane | Number of Questions | Chance of Knowing | Truth | Insanity |
3rd | 3 | 25% | 30% | nil |
4th | 4 | 30% | 40% | 10% |
5th | 5 | 35% | 50% | 20% |
6th | 6 | 40% | 60% | 30% |
7th | 7 | 50% | 70% | 40% |
8th | 8 | 60% | 75% | 50% |
9th | 9 | 70% | 80% | 60% |
10th | 10 | 80% | 85% | 70% |
11th | 11 | 90% | 90% | 80% |
12th | 12 | 95% | 100% | 90% |
The caster is instantly transported to another location.
There is no limit to the distance of the destination location.
The caster may end up above or below their intended destination location. Roll 1d100 on the tabel that corresponds with the caster’s knowledge of the destination location.
1d100 Roll | Teleport Result |
0 to 74 | Death |
75 to 99 | Success |
1d100 Roll | Teleport Result |
0 to 9 | Below |
10 to 89 | Success |
90 to 99 | 1d10 * 10 feet above |
1d100 Roll | Teleport Result |
0 | Below |
1 to 95 | Success |
96 to 99 | 1d4 * 10 feet above |
Below means the caster appears physically lower in space than intended. This causes death if they intersect solid material.
Above means the caster appears physically higher in space than intended by the number of feet indicated. If this means they are in the air, they will fall. A fall could kill them. (Death from falling is not specified. Could use falling rules from naval combat section?)