The caster is able to verbally communicate with any animals for the duration.
The animal(s) will not attack the the caster or any of their party.
The caster can ask an animal to do things for them. Roll 2d6 on the reaction table below to see if the animal will perform the request. The referee can modify the roll as a result of any fear, bribes, alignments, or similar.
Tabel: Speak with Animal Reaction
2d2 Roll | Reaction |
2 to 5 | Negative |
6 to 8 | Uncertain |
9 to 12 | Positive |
Duration: 6 turns.
Range: 30 feet.
Resurrects one dead Creature of certain species.
Only effective on Dwarves, Elves, or Humans.
The Constitution Attribute of the Character being raised affects the success of this spell. See the section Character Attributes for details.
Raised Characters must spend two weeks in game time recovering after being raised from death.
The person being raised cannot have been dead for more that a certain number of days depending on the level of the Cleric casting the spell:
Cleric Level | Time Limit of Days Dead |
8 | 4 |
9 | 8 |
10 | 12 |
11 | 16 |