Encounters (Wilderness only?)

When a creatrue type is encountered in the wilderness, generate the details using their entry below. Details include how many of them there are, whether or not their lair is encountered where they will have treasure, or just a wandering group without treasure.

Type or Amount of Treasure

All Treasure is only found where the encounter takes place in a Creature’s “Lair”.


Normal Human Forces

Number Appearing in Outdoor Encounters % In Lair Type of Treasure
3d10 * 10 15% Various

There are several categories of Normal Humans:

Normal Human Leaders

Some Normal Humans will have a Character with a Vocation as their leader(s).

The following types of Normal Human will have Fighters, and possibly Mages or Clerics:

The following types of Normal Human will have Fighters as leaders only:

Cavemen will not have a Character with a Vocation as leaders.


For every 30 humans there will be one 4th level Fighter in addition.

For every 50 humans there will be an additional 5th or 6th level Fighter. Roll 1d6 to determine it’s level:

1d6 Roll Fighter Level
1 to 3 5
4 to 6 6

For every 100 humans there will be an additional 8th or 9th level Fighter. Roll 1d6 to determine it’s level:

1d6 Roll Fighter Level
1 to 3 8
4 to 6 9

Mages and Clerics

If there are from 200 to 299 humans inclusive, then there is a chance of there being a Mage and/or a Cleric in addition. Roll once for each on the following tables to determine if present, and their level if so:

1d12 Roll Mage (Level)
1 to 6 No
7 to 10 Yes (Level 10)
11 or 12 Yes (Level 11)
1d4 Roll Cleric (Level)
1 to 3 No
4 Yes (Level 8)

If there are exactly 300 humans then there will be a Mage, and a chance of a Cleric in addition. roll once each on the following tables:

1d6 Roll Mage Level
1 to 4 10
5 or 6 11
1d4 Roll Cleric (Level)
1 or 2 No
3 or 4 Yes (Level 8)

Magic Items

For each human leader there is a chance of them having magic items.

Magic Item % Chance = 5 * their level.

Each leader Vocation has 3 categories of potential magic item.

For each leader Roll a d100 for each of the 3 categories. If the result of each roll is less than their Magic Item Chance number then they have a magic item in that category.

To find which item, roll 1d100 on the specified magic item table for the category in question.

Vocation Magic Item Categories
Fighter Sword, Armour, and Shield
Mage Wands and Staves, Ring, and Miscellaneous Magic
Cleric Miscellaneous Weapons*, Armour, and Shield

*If you roll an edged weapon on the Miscellaneous Weapons table, instead go to the Wands and Staves table and roll again. If the result on the Wands and Staves table is not usable by Clerics then there is no item in this category after all.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 4d10 * 10

50% chance in lair.

Treasure in lair: 1d6 Gold per Goblin

Composition of Force:

When in their lair there will be a Goblin King. The Goblin King will be surrounded by 5d6 Hobgoblin guards.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 4d10 * 10

50% chance in lair.

Treasure in lair: 1d6 Gold per Kobold

Composition of Force:

When in their lair there will be a Kobold King. The Kobold King will be surrounded by 5d6 Kobold King’s Guards.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 3d10 * 10

50% chance in lair

Treasure type in lair: Type D

Orc Factions

The referee must decide the number of different factions of Orcs.

Generate a random number whenever Orcs are encountered telling which tribe they belong to.

If Orcs are encountered in an area which is part of a regular campaign map their location and tribal affiliation should be recorded. Other Orcs located in the same general area will be of the same tribe.

Orcs might attack Orcs of a different faction on sight.

If they are under the command of a stronger Creature. Roll 1d6, score of 4 to 6 means they attack the other tribe.

If they are not under the command of a stronger Creature they will always attack the other tribe.

Orcs In Lair

When found in their lair it will be either a cave complex or a village determined by rolling on the following table:

1d6 Roll Lair Type
1 to 4 Cave complex
5 or 6 Village

The cave complex will be guarded by sentries.

A village will be protected by a ditch and palisade defence, 1 light catapult per 50 Orcs, and a high central tower.

Orcs in either lair might have leader Characters or protector Creatures.

Roll 1d100 on the table below for each type of Creature or Character Vocation applicable to the lair type. A score less than the percentage shown (per the number of Orcs) means the Creature or Character is present in the lair:

Creature or Character Cave Complex Village
Fighter Not applicable 25% per 100 Orcs
11th level Mage Not applicable 10% per 100 Orcs
Dragon 10% per 100 Orcs Not applicable
1d6 Ogres 10% per 50 Orcs 15% per 50 Orcs
1d4 Trolls 10% per 100 Orcs Not applicable

Determine the level of each Fighter by rolling on the following table:

1d6 Score Fighter Level
1 or 2 7 (Champion)
3 or 4 8 (Superhero)
5 or 6 9 (Lord)

Orcs will defend their lair until they are outnumbered by 3 to 1.

Orcs Outside Lair

If found not in their lair roll 1d100. If the result is under 50 then the Orcs are escorting a wagon train.

Wagon Trains

There will be 1d8 wagons.

Each wagon will be carrying 2d6 * 100 Gold Pieces.

Each wagon will also have 10 Orcs guarding it.

The train is led by either a Fighter or Mage. Determine which Vocation and level by rolling 1d12 on the following table:

1d12 Result Vocation Level
1 Fighter 7 (Champion)
2 to 4 Fighter 8 (Superhero)
5 or 6 Fighter 9 (Lord)
7 Mage 9 (Sorcerer)
8 to 10 Mage 10 (Necromancer)
11 or 12 Mage 11 (Wizard)


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10 * 10

30% chance in lair

Treasure type in lair: Type D

Composition of Force:

When in their lair there will be a Hobgoblin King. The Hobgoblin King will be surrounded by 1d3 + 1 Hobgoblin Kings Guards.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10 * 10

30% chance in lair

Treasure type in lair: Type D

Composition of Force:

When in their lair there will be a Gnoll King. The Gnoll King will be surrounded by 1d4 Gnoll Kings Guards.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 3d6

30% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: 1,000 Gold Pieces + Type C

When encountered outside their lair they will carry 1d6 * 100 Gold Pieces each.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d6

50% chance in lair

Treasure type in lair: Type D


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d8

30% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: 5,000 Gold Pieces + Type E

Wandering Giants will carry 1d6 * 1000 Gold Pieces is a large sack.

Roll 1d10 on the following table to randomly determine which type appears:

1d10 Result Giant type Lair
1 to 6 Hill Cave
7 Stone Cave
8 Frost Castle
9 Fire Castle
10 Cloud Castle

If the Giant’s lair is a castle, roll 1d100, and on a 50+ they have Creatures guarding the castle.

The type and number of Creature guards are determined by rolling 1d6 on the following table:

1d6 Result Creature Type Quantity
1 to 4 Hydra 1 with 1d6 + 4 heads
5 or 6 Wolves 6d6


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 3d10

Never have a lair.

Do not have treasure of their own.

Found near graveyards, forsaken places, and Underworlds, and as guards of some items.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 3d10

Never have a lair.

Do not have treasure of their own.

Found near graveyards, forsaken places, and Underworlds, and as guards of some items.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d12

20% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type B


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d12

60% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type B


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d8

20% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type E


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d12

30% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type D


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d8

25% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type E


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d6

20% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type F


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d8

35% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type D


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d6

40% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type F


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d4

75% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type F


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d4

50% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type E


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d4

25% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type D


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1

25% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type B


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d4

50% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type F


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d6

60% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type E


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d4

60% chance in lair

Determining the dragon(s) encountered

If two Dragons are encountered they will be a mated pair.

If three or four Dragons are encountered they will be a family group.

Maturity and Age
Number Appearing Maturity
1 Roll on Maturity and Age Tabel
2 Roll for Adult, Old, or Very Old
3 2 Adult parents, 2 Young children
4 2 Adult parents, 2 Young children
1d6 Result Maturity Age in Years Treasure in lair
1 Very Young 1 to 5 None
2 Young 6 to 15 None
3 Adolescent 16 ta 25 Type H1
4 Adult 26 to 75 Type H2
5 Old 76 to 100 Type H2
6 Very Old over 100 Type H3


The Colour of the Dragon(s) are dictated by the geography of the encounter, and the Colour dictates some aspects of the dragon.

There is a chance the Dragon(s) will be sleeping when it is encountered.

There is a chance the Dragon(s) will be able to talk.

Look up the Dragon Colour and associated properties by Geography on the following table:

Geograpy Colour Sleeping Able to Talk
Tundra or Cold lands White 60% No
Swamp or Marshes Black 50% 40%
Woods or Forests Green 40% 55%
Deserts or Xeric lands Blue 30% 70%
Mountains or Hills Red 20% 85%
anywhere Gold 10% 100%

If a Dragon can talk, there is a chance it can use magic depending on it’s Colour If so, it will only be able to use magic of certain level(s):

Colour Chance of being Mage Level of Spells
Black 5% 1st
Green 10% 1st and 2nd
Blue 15% 1st and 2nd
Red 15% 1st through 3rd
Gold 100% Depends on Maturity


Roll for the size of each dragon:

1d10 Size
1 or 2 Small
3 to 8 Medium
9 or 10 Large

: Type H

Very Young and Young Dragons have no treasure.

Adolescent Dragons have half the amount of treasure. Add Treasure Type for this

Very Old Dragons have double the amount of treasure.Add Treasure Type for this


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10

25% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type C


Groups of Lycanthropes are either packs or family packs.

Packs are from 2 to 4. Family packs are from 5 to 8.

Groups of from 8 to 20 are more likely to be packs (two-thirds) than several family packs (one-third).

A family pack will consist of two adults and the balance of young of varying age (one-half to nine-tenths grown).

If the young are attacked the female adult will fight at triple value for four melee rounds, but thereafter drop to one-half value.

If an adult female is attacked its mate in the family pack will fight at double value thereafter.

When adults are killed all young under nine-tenths grown will be subdued, those of nine-tenths growth will fight until dead.

Anyone seriously wounded by Lycanthropes (50% of total possible damage) will be infected and themself become the same type of Lycanthrope within 2 to 24 days unless they are given a Cure Disease spell by a Cleric.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10

15% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type C


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10

15% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type C


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10

15% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type C


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10

15% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type C

Purple Worms

Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d4

25% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type D


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d8

10% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type C


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10

05% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type A

Centaurs’ lairs are hidden glens where their females and young are and where their treasure is hidden.

In the lair (glen) will be found 1d6 additional males, twice as many females as males, and young equal to the number of males.

Females are not armed and will not fight, and the young are also non-combatant, except in life-and-death situations.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d4

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d10 * 10

Always in lair

Treasure in lair: Type B


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d10 * 10

25% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type C


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d6

20% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type D


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 4d10 * 10

60% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type C


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 4d10 * 10

50% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type G

Dwarves can have any number of domesticated Wolves that the referee deems suitable.

They have one Dwarf Fighter for every 40 Dwarves.

For Dwarves encountered not in their lair, roll 1d6 for each Fighter’s level.

For Dwarves encountered in their lair, the level of each Dwarf Fighter will instead be according to 1d6 rolled on the following table:

1d6 Result Fighter Level
1 or 2 3
3 or 4 4
5 5
6 6

For each of a Dwarf Fighter’s levels there will be a 10% chance that they will have one item from each of these three categories: magic shield, magic armour, and magic weapon.

Per the Fighter’s level, roll once for each of the following categories of magic item: magic shield, magic armour, and magic weapon. If you roll under Chance, the fighter has that category of magic item.

Fighter Level Magic Chance
1 10%
2 20%
3 30%
4 40%
5 50%
6 60%

If a Fighter has a magic weapon, roll 1d6 on the table below to determine which:

1d6 Result Magic Weapon
1 to 4 Magic Sword
5 or 6 Magic War Hammer

NOTE: Which Armour, Shield, or Hammer is not specified, nor can it be unambiguously determined from the Treasur tables. The Sword could safely be assumed to be determiend by the SWORD table at the beginnig of the Treasure section however.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 3d10 * 10

25% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: Type E

Half of the Elves will be Elf Archers, the other half will Elf Spearfighters

There are two sorts of Elves Woodland Elves and the remote Meadowland Elves. Flavour only. No mechanic.

For every 50 Elves there will be one that is a Fighter and Mage. Their Fighter level and Mage level is determined by rolling for each on the tables below. What are they armed with? No magic items? Why mention magic weapon damage?

1d6 Mage Level
1 or 2 2
3 3
4 4
5 or 6 5
1d4 Fighter Level
1 or 2 2
3 3
4 4

For every 100 Elves there will be a Hero (4th level Fighter) and Warlock (8th level Mage) Elf. What are they armed with? No magic items? Why mention magic weapon damage?


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d10

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None

Only appear in forests and woodlands.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d12

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d8

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None

Rocs (any size, small by default)

Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1d20

20% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: I

If an encounter is made when Rocs are in their lair, which is their nest, there is a 50% chance there will be 1d6 young therein (eggs, chicks, or fledglings).

Adults are always hostile if there are young in the nest.

Their reaction to Chaos and Neutral creatures is alwalys hostile.

Their reaction to Lawful characters who do not attempt to approach too close is either friendly, or to ignore them. Roll 1d100 on the following table:

1d100 Reaction
80% Ignore
20% Friendly

Young Rocs can be tamed and taught to serve as steeds.


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 2d8

10% chance in lair

Treasure in lair: E

In their wild state Griffons will attack anyone nearby.

Invisible Stalkers

Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: N/A

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None

They are created by the spell “Invisibel Stalker”


Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None

Ochre Jelly

Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None

Black Pudding

Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None

Green Slime

Number appearing in Wilderness encounters: 1

No chance in lair

Treasure in lair: None