Generating Lair Treasure

To Generate Treasure in a Creature’s Lair:

Refer to the tabel that corresponds to the Creature’s Treasure Type. For each row in the table: 1. Roll 1d100, if result is less that the % indicated then that category of treasuer is present. 2. If the treasure is present, roll the indicated dice to determine how many there are. 3. Continue to roll on the tabels below for Gems, Jewellry, Maps or Magic Items if they are present.

Treasure Types

Type A (Land)

Chance Treasure
25% 1d6 x 1000 Copper
30% 1d6 x 1000 Silver
35% 2d6 x 1000 Gold
50% 6d6 Gems
50% 6d6 Jewellry
40% 3 Maps or Magic Items

Type A (Desert)

Chance Treasure
20% 1d4 x 1000 Copper
25% 1d4 x 1000 Silver
30% 1d6 x 1000 Gold
50% 1d4 x 10 Gems
50% 1d4 x 10 Jewellry
60% 3 Magic Items

Type A (Water)

Chance Treasure
60% 5d6 x 1000 Gold
60% 1d6 x 10 Gems
60% 1d6 x 10 Jewellry
50% 1 Map

Type B

Chance Treasure
50% 1d8 x 1000 Copper
25% 1d6 x 1000 Silver
25% 1d3 x 1000 Gold
25% 1d6 Gems
25% 1d6 Jewellry
10% Magic Sword, Magic Armour, or misc. Magic Weapon

Type C

Chance Treasure
20% 1d12 x 1000 Copper
30% 1d4 x 1000 Silver
25% 1d4 Gems
25% 1d4 Jewellry
10% 2 Maps or Magic Items

Type D

Chance Treasure
10% 1d8 x 1000 Copper
15% 1d12 x 1000 Silver
60% 1d6 x 1000 Gold
30% 1d8 Gems
30% 1d8 Jewellry
20% 2 Maps or Magic Items, and 1 Potion

Type E

Chance Treasure
5% 1d10 x 1000 Copper
30% 1d12 x 1000 Silver
25% 1d8 x 1000 Gold
10% 1d10 Gems
10% 1d10 Jewellry
30% Any 3 Maps or Magic Items, and 1 Scroll

Type F

Chance Treasure
10% 2d10 x 1000 Silver
45% 1d12 x 1000 Gold
20% 2d12 Gems
20% 2d12 Jewellry
35% 3 Maps or Magic Items (except weapons), 1 Potion, and 1 Scroll

Type G

Chance Treasure
75% 1d4 x 10,000 Gold
25% 3d6 Gems
25% 1d10 Jewellry
40% 4 Maps or Magic item, and 1 Scroll

Type H1

Chance Treasure
25% 3d8 x 500 Copper
50% 1d100 x 500 Silver
75% 1d6 x 5,000 Gold
50% 1d100 / 2 Gems
50% 1d4 x 5 Jewellry
20% 2 Maps or Magic Item, 1 Potion, or 1 Scroll

Type H2

Chance Treasure
25% 3d8 x 1000 Copper
50% 1d100 x 1000 Silver
75% 1d6 x 10,000 Gold
50% 1d100 Gems
50% 1d4 x 10 Jewellry
20% 4 Maps or Magic Item, 1 Potion, and 1 Scroll

Type H3

Chance Treasure
25% 3d8 x 2,000 Copper
50% 1d100 x 2,000 Silver
75% 1d6 x 20,000 Gold
50% 2d100 Gems
50% 1d4 x 20 Jewellry
20% 8 Maps or Magic Item, 2 Potions, and 2 Scrolls

Type I

Chance Treasure
50% 2d8 Gems
50% 2d8 Jewellry
20% 1 Map or Magic Item


Gems are defined by their value in Gold Pieces.

To calculate the value of each gem, first roll a d20 on the following table:

1d20 Gem Value Category in Gold Pieces
1 or 2 10
3 to 5 50
6 to 15 100
16 to 18 500
19 or 20 1000

Then roll 1d6 and if the result is a 1 the gem is of the next higher value category.

If there are large amounts of gems to value, divide them into groups of 5 or 10, roll onec for each group and assign the same value to all gemes in the group.


Jewellery are defined by their value in Gold Pieces.

The value of Jewellery is determined by rolling 1d10 on the following table:

1d10 Jewellery value in Gold Pieces
1 or 2 3d6 * 100
3 to 8 1d6 * 1000
9 or 10 1d10 * 1000

Map or Magic Item

Roll for each item found, rolling on subsequent tables where indicated.

1d20 Subsequent Table
1 to 15 Magic Item
16 to 20 Map

Magic Item Table

1d20 Item
1 or 4 Magic Sword
5 to 7 Magic Armour
8 Misc. Magic Weapon
9 to 13 Magic Potion
14 to 17 Magic Scroll
18 Magic Ring
19 Magic Wand or Magic Staff
20 Misc. Magic

Map Table

d10 Roll Map Type
1 to 6 Map to Treasure
7 to 9 Map to Magic Item
10 Map to Magic Item & Treasure

Magic Items

Magic Sword

d100 Roll Hit Modifier Hit and Damage Modifier vs. certain Creature types Additional Special Properties
01 to 35 +1 - -
36 to 40 +1 +2 vs. Lycanthropes -
41 to 45 +1 +2 vs. Mages and Enchanted Creatures -
46 to 50 +1 - Locating Objects Ability
51 to 60 +1 +3 vs. Trolls (Clerics) -
61 to 65 +1 +2 vs. Trolls (Pegasi, Hippogriffs, and Rocs), +3 vs. Undead (Treants) Flaming
66 to 70 +1 - 2d4 Wishes
71 to 75 +1 +3 vs. Dragons -
76 to 78 +2 - -
79 to 80 +2 - Charm Person Ability
81 to 82 +3 - -
83 - - One Life Energy Draining Ability, Different alignment table
84 to 00 -2 - Cursed

Magic Armour

1d100 Magic Armour
01 to 30 Magic Shield +1
31 to 60 Magic Armour +1
61 to 75 Magic Armour +1 and Magic Shield +1
76 to 83 Magic Shield +2
84 to 90 Magic Armour +2
91 to 97 Magic Armour +2 and Magic Shield +2
98 to 00 Magic Shield +3

Misc. Magic Weapons

1d100 Weapon
01 to 25 10 Magic Arrows
26 to 40 3d10 Magic Arrows
41 to 55 Dagger: +1 vs. Human-Sized Opponents; +2 vs. Goblins, and Kobolds
56 to 60 Dagger: +2 vs. Human-Sized Opponents; +3 vs. Orcs, Goblins, and Kobolds
61 to 65 Magic Bow
66 to 70 Axe +1
71 to 80 Mace +2
81 to 85 War Hammer +1
86 to 89 War Hammer +2
90 Dwarven War Hammer +3, 60 feet Throwing Range with Return
91 to 96 Spear +1
97 to 99 Spear +2
00 Spear +3

Magic Potions

1d100 Potion
01 to 04 Growth
05 to 08 Diminution
09 to 12 Giant Strength
13 to 16 Invisibility
17 to 20 Gaseous Form
21 to 24 Polymorph (Self)
25 to 28 Speed
29 to 32 Levitation
33 to 36 Flying
37 to 38 Detect Thoughts
39 to 40 Delusion
41 to 44 Healing
45 to 48 Longevity
49 to 52 Clairvoyance
53 to 55 Clairaudience
56 to 60 Animal Control
61 to 64 Undead Control
65 to 68 Plant Control
69 to 72 Human Control
73 to 76 Giant Control
77 to 80 Dragon Control*
81 to 84 Poison**
85 to 88 Invulnerability
89 to 92 Fire Resistance
93 to 96 Treasure Finding
97 to 00 Heroism

*Referee to roll to determine which of the six types of Dragons will be controlled.

** Referee will mislead by naming any of the other Potions, but if carefully questioned should give it a singular feature.

Magic Scrolls

d100 Roll Scroll
1 to 4 1 Spell
5 to 7 2 Spells
8 or 9 3 Spells
10 7 Spells
11 or 12 1 Curse
13 or 14 Protection: Lycanthropes
15 or 16 Protection: Undead
17 or 18 Protection: Elementals
19 or 20 Protection: Magic
Curse Scroll

Each curse has a 15 foot radius range.

The curse takes effect immediately upon reading the Scroll.

To determine the type of curse use the table below:

1d8 Curse
1 or 2 Any Creature of the referee’s choice appears within range.
3 or 4 Each creature withing range is afflicted with a desease. This desease causes death in 3 turns. This desease can only be cured by a Cure Diseas spell.
5 or 6 Each character in range is polymorphed into an insect of referee’s choice.
7 All characters in range are transported 1,000 miles in a random direction.
8 All characters in range are transported to another planet.
Spell Scroll

Each Spell Scroll will contain spells either from the Mage or Cleric list. Roll on the table below to determine which type the scroll is:

1d4 Spell List
1 to 3 Mage
4 Cleric

Magic Rings

1d100 Ring
01 to 09 Invisibility
10 to 15 Mammal Control
16 to 21 Human Control
22 to 30 Weakness
31 to 39 Protection
40 to 49 Three Wishes
50 to 60 Delusion
61 to 70 Water Walking
71 to 80 Fire Resistance
81 to 85 Protection, 5 foot radius
86 to 90 Regeneration
91 to 92 Djinn Summoning
93 to 94 Telekinesis
95 to 96 X-Ray Vision
97 to 98 Spell Turning
99 Spell Storing
00 Many Wishes (4d6)

Magic Wands and Staves

Wands are usable by Mages only.

1d100 Wand or Staff
01 to 15 Metal Detection
16 to 20 Enemy Detection
21 to 25 Magic Detection
26 to 30 Secret Doors and Traps Detection
31 to 35 Illusion
36 to 40 Fear
41 to 45 Cold
46 to 50 Paralyzation
51 to 55 Fire Balls
56 to 60 Lightning Bolts
61 to 65 Polymorph
66 to 70 Negation
71 to 80 Staff of Healing*
81 to 85 Staff of Commanding**
86 to 90 Snake Staff*
91 to 95 Staff of Striking**
98 to 99 Staff of Power***
96 to 97 Staff of Withering*
00 Staff of Wizardry***

*Clerics only

**Both Clerics and Mages

***Mages only

Misc Magic Items

1d100 Magic Item
01 to 04 Crystal Ball
05 to 06 Crystal Ball with Clairaudience
07 Crystal Ball with Detect Thoughts
08 to 12 Medallion of Detect Thoughts, 3” Range*
13 to 15 Medallion of Detect Thoughts, 9” Range*
16 to 18 Amulet vs. Crystal Balls and Detect Thoughts*
19 to 24 Scarab of Protection from Evil High Priests*
25 to 29 Bag of Holding*
30 Censer Controlling Air Elementals
31 Stone Controlling Earth Elementals
32 Brazier Commanding Fire Elementals
33 Bowl Commanding Water Elementals
34 to 35 Efreet Bottle*
36 to 38 Displacer Cloak*
39 to 47 Elven Cloak and Boots*
48 to 52 Boots of Speed*
53 to 57 Boots of Levitation*
58 to 62 Boots of Traveling and Leaping*
63 to 67 Broom of Flying
68 to 72 Helm of Reading Magic and Languages*
73 to 75 Helm of Telepathy*
76 Helm of Teleportation
77 to 87 Helm of Chaos (Law)*
88 Flying Carpet*
89 Drums of Panic, 24” Range*
90 Horn of Blasting, 10” Range*
91 to 97 Gauntlets of Ogre Power*
98 to 99 Girdle of Giant Strength*
00 Mirror of Life Trapping

*Usable by Characters of any Vocation


Treasure Maps

All items will be guarded by appropriate Creatures. Roll on the Creature Level Tables to determine which.

1d8 Roll Map to
1 1d4 * 10,000 Silver
2 5d6 * 1,000 Gold
3 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, and 5d6 * 1,000 Gold
4 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, and 2d10 Gems
5 5d6 * 1,000 Gold, and 5d6 Gems
6 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, 5d6 * 1,000 Gold, and 1d100 Gems
7 1d6 * 10 Gems, and 2d10 Jewelry
8 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, 5d6 * 1,000 Gold, 1d6 * 10 Gems, and 2d10 Jewelry

Magic Maps

All items will be guarded by appropriate Creatures. Roll on the Creature Level Tables to determine which.

1d8 Roll Map leading to
1 to 3 1 Magic Item
4 to 5 2 Magic Items
6 3 Magic Items but no Magic Swords
7 4 Magic Items and 1 Potion
8 5 Magic Items, 1 Scroll, and 1 Potion

Magic and Treasure Maps

All items will be guarded by appropriate Creatures. Roll on the Creature Level Tables to determine which.

1d8 Roll Map leading to
1 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, and 1 Magic Item
2 5d6 * 1,000 Gold, and 1 Magic Item
3 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, 5d6 * 1,000 Gold, and 2 Magic Items
4 1d6 * 10 Gems, 2d10 Jewelry, 3 Magic Items but no Magic Swords
5 5d6 * 1,000 Gold, 5d6 Gems, and 2 Magic Items
6 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, and 1 Magic Item
7 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, 5d6 * 1,000 Gold, 1d100 Gems, 5 Magic Items, 1 Scroll, and 1 Potion
8 1d4 * 10,000 Silver, 5d6 * 1,000 Gold, 1d6 * 10 Gems, 2d10 Jewelry, 4 Magic Items, and 1 Potion