Random Creature Determination

The Creatures encountered depend on which level beneath the surface the player Characters are on.

Roll 1d6 on the table for the player Characters current Underworld Level, then roll again on the indicated Creature Level table.

Number of Wandering Creatures Appearing

If the Underworld level beneath the surface corresponds with the Creature Level Table then there is a single Creature. An exception is that Orcs and the like will be in groups.

A party of more than 3 characters would draw double the number of Creatures.

There can be places where 300 Hobgoblins dwell.

3 Hobgoblins can come abreast down a typical ten foot wide passage.

Underworld Level Creature Tables

Underworld Level 1
1d6 Creature Level Table
1 or 2 1
3 or 4 2
5 3
6 4
Underworld Level 2
1d6 Creature Level Table
1 1
2 2
3 or 4 3
5 4
6 5
Underworld Level 3
1d6 Creature Level Table
1 2
2 3
3 or 4 4
5 5
6 6
Underworld Levels 4 or 5
1d6 Creature Level Table
1 3
2 or 3 4
4 or 5 5
6 6
Underworld Levels 6 or 7
1d6 Creature Level Table
1 4
2 to 4 5
5 or 6 6
Underworld Levels 8 or 9
1d6 Creature Level Table
1 or 2 5
3 to 6 6
Underworld Levels 11 to 12
1d6 Creature Level Table
1 5
2 to 6 6
For Creatures on Levels 13 or lower

Always roll on the Creature Level 6 table.

Creature Level Tables

These level tables do not correspond to Creature’s Hit Dice, or the Creatures Level. These are separate Level table for Encounter determination.
Creature Level 1
1d8 Roll Creature
1 Kobolds
2 Goblins
3 Skeletons
4 Orcs
5 Bandits
6 Re-roll
Creature Level 2
1d8 Roll Creature
1 Hobgoblins
2 Zombies
3 Warriors (Level 2 Fighter)
4 Conjurers (Level 3 Mage)
5 Gnolls
6 Ghouls
7 Berserkers
8 Theurgists (Level 4 Mage)
Creature Level 3
1d8 Roll Creature
1 Wights
2 Heroes (Level 4 Fighters)
3 Ochre Jelly
4 Thaumaturgists (Level 5 Mages)
5 Swashbucklers (Level 5 Fighter)
6 Magicians (Level 6 Mages)
Creature Level 4
1d10 Roll Creature
1 Wraiths
2 Ogres
3 Evil Priests (Level 4 Evil Cleric)
4 Myrmidons (Level 6 Fighter)
5 Lycanthropes
6 Gargoyles
7 Re-roll
8 Enchanters (Level 7 Mages)
Creature Level 5
1d12 Roll Creature
1 Trolls
2 Super Heroes (Level 8 Fighter)
3 Wyverns
4 Spectres
5 Mummies
6 Minotaurs
7 Manticores
8 Cockatrices
9 Sorcerers (Level 9 Mage)
10 Wyverns
11 Hydra (1d3+5 Heads)
12 Medusae
Creature Level 6
1d12 Roll Creature
1 Giants
2 Hydra (1d4+8 heads)
3 Dragons
4 Basilisks
5 Gorgons
6 Chimeras
7 Vampires
8 Lords (Level 9 Fighters)
9 Spectres
10 Wizards* (Level 11 Mage)
11 Evil High Priests* (Level 8 Evil Cleric)
12 Purple Worms

*Each will be accompanied by 1d4 apprentices (Enchanters or Evil Priests where appropriate) and 1d6 bodyguards (level 1d3 + 3 Fighters).