Underworld Creature Encounters

When the player Character party encounters other Creatures, it can result in combat, a conversation, a trade, some other agreement, or each party going their separate ways without significant interaction.


If either party is unaware of the presence of the other, then they might be surprised by the encounter.

Characters with a light or making noise will not surprise others.

Roll on the Surprised Parties table for each party that might be surprised.

Surprised Parties
1d6 Roll Surprised
1 or 2 Yes
3 to 6 No

For each Character that is surprised roll on the Dropped Items table to see if they drop an item that they are holding. If they do, randomly determine which of the items they are holding is dropped.

Dropped Items
1d100 Drop and Item
0 to 24 Yes
25 to 99 No

Detect Thoughtsing may allow one party to detect the other so as to not be surprised by them.

Surprise gives the advantage of acting first, and an additional round of actions.

Creature Beaviour

If Creatures surprise the Player Characters, the Creatures will use their turn to either close the distance between them or attack if already close enough.

If the Creatures are intelligent and characters are obviously too strong, they will not approach.

Sighting Creatures

Player characters will see Creatures at 2d4 * 10 feet unless they are surprised by the Creature.

If the player characters are surprised then they will see the Creatures at 1d3 * 10 feet.

Wandering Creatures

At the end of every turn the referee must roll 1d6. A roll of 6 means an encounter with one or more Creatures.

Determine the direction the Creature(s) come from randomly from the number of possible routes to the player Character’s current location.

The type of Creature is determined in the Random Creature Determitation section.

Avoiding Creatures

Non-intelligent Creatures will automatically attack and/or pursue any characters they see.

Check the context of these rules

Intelligent Creatures will avoid an obviously superior force, but otherwise attack and/or pursue any characters they see.

If the Creature has surprised the adventurers and is within 20 feet, and the Creature has not been surprised, then there is no chance for avoiding the encounter.

Fleeing from Creatures

If the adventurers choose to flee, the Creature(s) will continue to pursue in a straight line as long as they remain within 90 feet.

If the party does one of the following, the referee rolls on the subsequent table to see if the Creatures continue to pursue:

Creatures Follow Out of Sight
1d6 Roll Creatures Follow?
1 or 2 Yes
3 to 6 No

If the party go through a secret door, the referee rolls on the following table to see if the Creatures continue to pursue:

Creatures Follow Through Secret Door
1d6 Roll Creatures Follow?
1 Yes
2 to 6 No

Distracting Pursuing Creatures

Characters can drop food and/or treasure behind them to try to distract Creatures from following. If they do so, roll 1d100 on the Table: Pursuing Creatures Distraction depending on the Creature’s intelligence.

Pursuing Creatures Distraction
Creature Intelligence Distracted by Food Distracted by Treasure
Intelligent 10% 90%
Semi-intelligent 50% 50%
Non-intelligent 90% 10%

Random Actions by Creatures

Check the context of these rules

Other than in pursuit situations, intelligent Creatures will act randomly according to the results of the score rolled on 2d6 dice:

2d6 Roll Reaction
2 to 5 Negative
6 to 8 Uncertain
9 to 12 Positive