One of the players assumes the role of “Caller”. Their job is to call out the party’s chosen actions to the Referee.
First, the Referee starts by describing the notable features of the space that the Party is in.
Then repeat the following steps:
The other players discuss what the want to do given the situation described by the Referee.
The Caller tells the Referee what the party attempts to do.
The Referee describes the results of the party’s attempted actions, or the new space they arrive in.
In the Underworld, time is measured in Turns.
Searching a 10 foot section of wall for secret passages takes 1 Turn. See the Character rules for the chance of success.
Loading 2,000 coins into bags takes 4 Turns.
Detect Thoughts takes 1/4 of a Turn.
The following Underworld activities will take a number of Turns decided by the Referee:
In The Underworld all distances are in feet.
Characters can move up to 20 times their Movement number in feet per Turn. (See Core Mechanics: Movement)
At least every 6th Turn must be spent motionless in order to rest.
In flight or pursuit situations characters can move up to 40 times their movement number in feet per Underworld Turn, but no mapping is allowed.
2 Turns must be spent resting after a flight or pursuit.
The Referee should describe the distances that the party travels in 10s of feet. The Referee should also indicate the primary cardinal direction of features such as doors and passages.
The Referee should highlight passages that are widths other than 10 feet.
A party entering a room through a door can’t be surprised, but the Creatures with in can be.
Discovering if items, like boots, are magical requires putting them on.
Items can be hidden in an otherwise mundane object such as a secret compartment of a trunk.
Underworld doors do not open easily, they must be forced open.
To try to force open a door, roll 1d6 for each character doing so. Up to three characters can attempt to force open a door, but this will disallow them reactions to anything awaiting them on the other side.
A result of 1 or 2 is a success for a human sized character. Smaller and lighter characters may require a 1 to succeed. The referee judges if this is the case.
Characters can “listen” at a door to attempt to hear anything making sound on the other side of it.
The Referee rolles 1d6 for each character that listens at a door. The Character’s Species determines what number they need to succeed. There may not be any sound beyond the door regardless of the Character’s roll. The Referee rolls these so that the players does not know if they fail, or if there was actually nothing to hear.
When any character passes through the area of a trigger for a trap roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2 they trigger the trap.
Poison Needle Trapped Chest : If a character that opens the chest the must roll a Save vs. poison
Doors will automatically close after being opened.
Doors will automatically open for Underworld Creatures.
Doors can be held shut by Characters.
Doors can be wedged open by means of spikes. Roll 1d6 and on a 5 or 6 the spike slips and the door shuts.
Roll 1d6 for each character that listens to determine if they hear what is on the other side. Undead Creatures never make any sound that can be heard through a door.
To see in The Underworld some light source or an Infravision spell must be used.
Light sources include torches, lanterns, and some magic swords.
Any illumination will allow Creatures to “see” the users so that Creatures will never be surprised unless the Player Characters come through a door without alerting them otherwise.
Torches can be blown out by a strong gust of wind.
Creatures have permanent Infravision as long as they are not serving some Character. This means any non-player Creature can see in total darkness in the Underworld.