Wilderness Encounters

If there is an encounter in the Wilderness, roll on the appropriate table depending on terrain type, then roll on the Creature category table indicated.

Encounter for Terrain Tables

Clear Terrain
1d8 Roll Creature Type
1 Humans
2 Flyer
3 Giant
4 Lycanthropes
5 Animals
6 Humans
7 Animals
8 Dragon
1d8 Roll Creature Type
1 Humans
2 Flyer
3 Giant
4 Lycanthropes
5 Lycanthropes
6 Humans
7 Animals
8 Dragon
1d8 Roll Creature Type
1 Water Humans
2 Flyer
3 Giant
4 Lycanthropes
5 Swimmer
6 Swimmer
7 Animals
8 Dragon
1d8 Roll Creature Type
1 Humans
2 Flyer
3 Giant
4 Lycanthropes
5 Swimmer
6 Undead
7 Undead
8 Dragon
1d8 Roll Creature Type
1 Mountain Humans
2 Flyer
3 Giant
4 Lycanthropes
5 Animals
6 Giant
7 Dragon
8 Dragon
1d6 Roll Creature Type
1 Desert Humans
2 Desert Humans
3 Giant
4 Flyer
5 Animals
6 Dragon
1d4 Roll Creature Type
1 Undead
2 Undead
3 Humans
4 Humans

Encounter Creature Type Tables

1d12 Roll Creatures
1 Bandits
2 Bandits
3 Bandits
4 Brigands
5 Brigands
6 Berserkers
7 Lord
8 Superhero
9 Wizard
10 Necromancer
11 Evil High Priest
12 Patriarch
Mountain Humans
1d12 Roll Creatures
1 Berserkers
2 Berserkers
3 Cavemen
4 Cavemen
5 Brigands
6 Lord
7 Wizard
8 Superhero
9 Evil High Priest
10 Necromancer
11 Patriarch
12 Bandits
Desert Humans
1d6 Roll Creatures
1 Nomads
2 Nomads
3 Nomads
4 Lord
5 Wizard
6 Dervishes
Water Humans
1d6 Roll Creatures
1 Buccaneers
2 Buccaneers
3 Buccaneers
4 Pirates
5 Pirates
6 Mermen
1d12 Roll Creatures
1 Pegasi
2 Pegasi
3 Hippogriffs
4 Hippogriffs
5 Griffons
6 Griffons
7 Rocs
8 Rocs
9 Dragons
10 Wyverns
11 Chimeras
12 Manticores
1d8 Roll Creatures
1 Skeletons
2 Zombies
3 Ghouls
4 Wights
5 Wraiths
6 Mummies
7 Spectres
8 Vampires
1d12 Roll Creatures
1 Kobolds
2 Goblins
3 Orcs
4 Hobgoblins
5 Gnolls
6 Ogres
7 Trolls
8 Giants
9 Gnomes
10 Dwarves
11 Elves
12 Treants
1d4 Roll Creatures
1 Werewolves
2 Wereboars
3 Weretigers
4 Werebears

General Animals

No complete stats? Remove?

Spiders Centipedes Lizards Toads Ants Weasels Apes Beetles Scorpions Lions Boars Snakes


Some without complete stats. Remove?

Giant Crabs Nixies Giant Octopi Giant Squid Sea Creature Giant Snakes Crocodiles Giant Leeches Mermen Nixies Giant Fish Dragon Turtle

Woodland Animals

Centaurs Unicorns Minotaurs Gorgons Pixies Manticores Dryads Medusae

Swamp Animals

Tyrannosaurus Rex Pterodactyl Triceratops Brontosaurus Stegosaurus Tyrannosaurus Rex Pterodactyl Triceratops

1d12 Roll Type
1 Black Dragons
2 White Dragons
3 Green Dragons
4 Blue Dragons
5 Red Dragons
6 Gold Dragons
7 Cockatrices
8 Basilisks
9 Wyverns
10 Chimeras
11 Hydra (1d3 + 6 heads)
10 Hydra (1d3 + 9 heads)

Arid Plains

Apts Banths Thoats Calots White Apes Thoats Orluks Sith Tharks Darseen Banths Tharks

Mountain Animals

Cave Bears Dire Wolves Sabre Tooth Tigers Mastodons Spotted Lions Woolly Rhinos Titanotheres Cave Bears Mammoths Sabre Tooth Tigers Dire Wolves Spotted Lions

Humans of a Specific Vocation

There will be 2d6 humans with any Fighter, Mage, or Cleric encountered in the wilderness.

They will be level 1d4 of the same Vocation as the one they accompany.

In addition there will be other magical items they might have depending on their Vocation as follows:

Item Chance
Sword 50%
Shield 25%
Armour 25%
Item Chance
Wand 60%
Ring 30%
Misc. magic 20%
Item Chance
Weapon 40%
Staff 30%
Shield 20%
Armour 10%

Wilderness Creature Encounters

Sighting Creatures

In Wilderness Encounters Characters can move up to 20 times their Movement number in yards per Turn.

Character movement is 10 yards per inch. What does this mean in relation to the sentence above?

Players will see Creatures at 4d6 * 10 yards unless they are surprised by them.

If the player Characters are surprised then they will see the Creatures at 1d3 * 10 yards.


If a party (the player party or a Creature party) is unaware of the presence of another party then the unaware party might be surprised when they encounter the other party.

Roll 1d6 for each party that might be surprised by the presence of another party. A roll of 1 or 2 indicates they in fact are surprised!

For each Character in the surprised party, there is a 25% chance that they drop one of the item they are holding. If they do drop an item, roll to randomly determine which of the items that they are holding is dropped.

Characters that are shedding light or making noise will not surprise Creatures.

Surprise gives the advantage of acting first, and an additional round of combat turns.

If Creatures surprise the characters, and if there are three or more Creatures, they will use their turn to moved into a circle around the player characters.

If the Creatures are intelligent and Player Characters are obviously too strong, the Creatures will not approach.

Creatures at 10 yards distance will be able to attack. This is melee range.

Evading in the Wilderness

To see if the Player Party can evade the encountered Creatures use the following table.

Party Size (Mounted or on Foot) Number of Creatures Encountered by Party Chance of Evading
1-3 25% or less of possible number 50%
1-3 26% to 60% 70%
1-3 Over 60% 90%
4-9 25% or less of possible # 30%
4-9 26% to 60% 50%
4-9 Over 60% 70%
10-24 25% or less of possible # 15%
10-24 26% to 60% 30%
10-24 Over 60% 50%
25+ 25% or less of possible # 05%
25+ 26% to 60% 20%
25+ Over 60% 35%

If the player party surprises the other then the evasion chances of the player party is doubled.

Surprise by Creatures negates all chance of the player party’s evasion, unless the player party is able to use some form of magic, or the terrain is woods.

Woods add 25% to evasion chances and give a 10% chance of evasion even if surprised.

If the comparative speed of the two parties is such that one is at least twice as fast as the other, the faster will have the effect of increasing or decreasing evasion chances by 25%. This includes surprise situations.


Pursuit will take place when a party is unable to evade Creatures, or when castle inhabitants pursue.

This procedure continues until pursuit is ended or melee occurs.

Woods or swamp will reduce the chance of being caught by 25%.

For each hex moved in pursuit, a party must spend half a day (AKA half a turn) resting.

During a day at rest two dice are thrown for determining if wandering Creatures are encountered, rather than but one.

Wilderness Combat

Land combat is conducted with the combat tables given previously.

Aerial combat and naval combat have their own dedicated sections.


If the party enters a certain proximity to a castle, there is a chance the inhabitants will come out to engage with them:

If the party is on the castle hex and hails the castle, the occupants will always come forth if the party is not obviously very strong and warlike.

Determine the occupant of a castle as follows

Roll 1d6 on the following table to determine the lead occupant:

1d6 Roll Occupant
1 Lord
2 Superhero
3 Wizard
4 Necromancer
5 Patriarch
6 Evil High Priest

Each will have guards or retainers. Roll 1d4 on the corresponding table below:

1d4 Roll Lord’s Guards or Retainers
1 1d8 Champions
2 1d6 Heroes riding Griffons
3 1d10 Myrmidons
4 1d4 Giants
1d4 Roll Superhero’s Guards or Retainers
1 1d8 Myrmidons
2 1d4 Heroes riding Rocs
3 1d4 Ogres
4 1d10 Swashbucklers
1d4 Roll Wizard’s Guards or Retainers
1 1d4 Dragons
2 1d4 Chimeras
3 1d4 Wyverns
4 1d4 Basilisks
1d4 Roll Necromancer’s Guards or Retainers
1 1d4 Chimeras
2 1d6 Manticores
3 1d12 Lycanthopes
4 1d12 Gargoyles
1d4 Roll Patriarch’s Guards or Retainers
1 1d20 Heroes
2 1d6 Superheroes
3 1d10 Treants
4 1d8 Heroes riding Hippogriffs
1d4 Roll Evil High Priest’s Guards or Retainers
1 1d10 Trolls
2 1d6 Vampires
3 1d20 White Apes No such Creature?!
4 1d4 Giants

Castle Occupant alignments

Patriarchs are always Lawful.

Evil High Priests are always Chaotic.

For other castle occupants roll 1d6 to determine their alignment:

1d6 Roll Occupant Alignment
1 to 3 Opposite of the party
4 to 6 Neutral


Fighters within castles will demand a jousting match with Fighters in the player character party.

If a joust takes place (use rules from CHAINMAIL) Use what rules without CHAINMAIL??

the occupant of the castle will take the loser’s armour if they win, but if the player character wins, the castle owner will host all in the party for up to one month, supply them with two weeks of rations, and provide warhorses (Heavy meaningless without CHAINMAIL??) if the party so requires.

If there are no Fighters in the party the Fighter castle occupants will demand a toll of 1d6 * 100 Gold Pieces instead of a joust.


If the party is not hostile, then the Mage will send them after treasure by casting the Geas spell on them. When the party returns with treasure, the Mage will take at least half of it. The Mage will have first choice of magical items. They will prioritise their choices of magic items in the following order:

  1. Miscellaneous Magic
  2. Wands or Staves
  3. Rings
  4. Other

If the party is hostile, then the Mage will require a toll: A magic item that the Mage can use if the party has any, or 1d4 * 1000 Gold Pieces.


They will require passers-by to give a tithe of 10% of all their money and jewels.

If the party cannot pay the tithe, then the Clerics action depends on alignment as follows:

Lawful Cleric will cast Quest on the party.

Chaotic Cleric will cast Quest on a Chaotic party, or attack a Lawful or Neutral party.


In addition to those guards and retainers detailed above, there will be other Normal Humans defending a castle:

3d6 * 10 humans will guard the walls.

Half of them will be crossbow armed light foot, and the other half will be heavy foot. How to define light foot or heavy foot without CHAINMAIL??

Castle residents will be mounted on horseback, as will their Normal Humans, if and only if they are Creatures that are capable of riding.

There is a chance that there will be others Characters in the castle’s party depending on the lead occupant of the castle:

Fighter Leader
Character Vocation and Level Change They Are Present
Mage level 1d4 + 4 25%
Cleric level 1d4 + 2 50%
Mage Leader
Character Vocation and Level Change They Are Present
Fighter level 1d4 + 4 25%
Mage level 1d4 + 3 50%
Cleric Leader
Character Vocation and Level Change They Are Present
1d6 Clerics level 1d4 + 3 50%


Castle inhabitants may pursue the party through the wilderness. Roll 1d6:

1d6 Roll Hostile Castle Inhabitants Action
1 to 3 Pursue
4 to 6 Remain in their Castle
1d6 Roll Neutral Castle Inhabitants Action
1 Pursue
2 to 6 Remain in their Castle