The Wilderness

The Wilderness consists of unexplored land, cities and castles, including the area immediately surrounding the entrance of the Underworld.

The referee must have a ground level map of the Underworld, a map of the terrain immediately surrounding this, and a map of the settlement closest to the Underworld.

A settlement ranges from a small village to a large city.

A settlement map should indicate streets and buildings.

Players can have adventures roaming in settlements. Areas of interest in settlements may include the followig:

The terrain beyond the immediate surroundings of the Underworld entrance should be unknown to all but the referee.

Adventures in the wilderness are made on the OUTDOOR SURVIVAL playing board. Catch basins are castles, buildings are towns, and the rest of the terrain is as indicated. Use a modified map as above

Referee’s Map

The Referee must have a wilderness map unknown to the players. It should cover the territory around the Underworld location.

Player’s Map

When players venture into the wilderness they should have a blank hexagon map, and as they move into each hex the referee will tell them what kind of terrain is in that hex.

Wilderness Movement

Move this table to Creature stats?

Wilderness Movement Rates
Travel Mode Number of Hexes Per Turn
On foot 3
Wagon or Cart 4
Draft Horse 5
Heavy Horse 6
Medium Horse 8
Light Horse 10
Raft 10 (3)
Merchant Ship 12
Boat 15 (5)
Dragon 24
Efreet 20
Galley 20 (6)
Djinn 30
Air Elemental 30
Carpet 30
Griffon 30
Hippogriff 40
Broom 40
Roc 48
Pegasus 48

Numbers in parenthesis are for swamp movement.

Horse movement rates require all members of a party to be mounted.

Large Party Move Penalties

Larger parties move slower, depending on their size. Each turn is reduced by the number of hexes indicated by Move Penalty on the following table. Is this correct taking into account different terrain types?

Party Size Move Penalty
Over 100 1 hex
Over 1,000 2 hexes

Terrain Move Costs

The following terrain costs more than the normal amount of hexes to move on. To move 1 hex of these terrain types, deduct the indicated move cost from the party’s remaining number of hexes for this turn.

Terrain Move Cost in hexes
Woods 2
Desert 2
Mountain track 2
Mountains 3
Swamps 3
Rivers 3

Tracks through woods or swamps incur no movement penalty.

Wilderness Exploration

Moving to previously unexplored hexes counts as Exploring.

Exploring is slower than moving through known hexes for horses or flight:


All creatures, except Dragons, must rest after six days of movement.

Rest must be at least one full day.


A hex is 5 miles across from corner to corner.


A Turn in the Wilderness is synonymous to a Move and equal to one in game Day.

Getting Lost

At the beginning of each turn, roll 1d6 for the terrain type the party is on to see if they get lost.

Getting Lost in the Wilderness
Terrain Become Lost if d6 Roll is
City N/A
Clear 1
Desert 1 to 3
Mountain 1 or 2
River 1
Swamp 1 to 3
Woods 1 or 2

If the party is lost, they must move in a random direction. They may only deviate from that direction by one 60 degree angle. Roll 1d6 to decide the random direction on the following table:

Lost Direction
1d6 Roll Direction
1 North
2 North East
3 South East
4 South
5 South West
6 North West

These directions correspond to the six possible directions on a hex-grid.

Wandering Creatures

At the end of each day of travel on foot or mounted the referee rolls 1d6 on the following table to check to see if a Creature has been encountered.

This depends on the terrain type.

Wandering Creature Encounter Chance
Terrain Encounter if d6 Roll is
Clear 6
City 6
Woods 5 or 6
River 5 or 6
Desert 5 or 6
Swamp 4 to 6
Mountain 4 to 6

For travel in water or air:

Roll 1d6 and on a 5 there is an encounter in the middle of the day with waterborne or aerial Creatures as appropriate.

Roll 1d6 and on a 6 there is an encounter at the end of the day back on land, and the table below is used. What table??

Ships which remain continually in water will instead roll 1d6 once a day for encounters, a 6 indicates such an encounter.

If there is an encounter, see the Wilderness Encounter rules.