Magic Swords may have the following properties:
Magic Swords also have the following properties:
These attributes are determined as follows:
Roll 1d100 on the following table:
1d100 Roll | Alignment |
01 to 65 | Lawful |
66 to 90 | Neutral |
91 to 00 | Chaotic |
If The sword has the One Life Energy Draining Ability (83 on the Sword Table), then it’s alignment is determined on this table instead:
1d100 Roll | Alignment |
01 to 65 | Chaotic |
66 to 90 | Neutral |
91 to 00 | Lawful |
Roll 1d12 to determine the sword’s intelligence attribute value. Also look up the result on the following table to determine what mental power and communicative ability is has if any:
Intelligence | Mental Power | Communicative Ability |
1 to 6 | None | None |
7 | One Primary Power | Empathy |
8 | Two Primary Powers | Empathy |
9 | Three Primary Powers | Empathy |
10 | Three Primary Powers, can use Languages* | Speech |
11 | Three Primary Powers, can use Languages*, and Reads Magic | Speech |
12 | Three Primary Powers, can use Languages*, Reads Magic, and one Extraordinary Ability | Telepathy |
For each Primary Power the sword has, roll 1d100 on the Primary Powers table to determine what it is.
If it can use Languages, the sword knows its alignment language. Roll 1d100 on the Languages Spoken table to determine the number of additional languages it knows.
For each Extraordinary Ability the sword has, roll 1d100 on the Extraordinary Ability table to determine what it is.
1d100 Roll | Power |
1 to 15 | Note Shifting Walls & Rooms |
16 to 30 | Detect Sloping Passages |
31 to 40 | Locate Secret Doors |
41 to 50 | Detect Traps |
51 to 60 | See Invisible Objects |
61 to 70 | Detect Evil and/or Gold |
71 to 80 | Detect Meal & What Kind |
81 to 90 | Detect Magic |
91 to 95 | Detect Gems (number and size) |
96 to 99 | Roll twice more on this table ignoring scores of 95 to 99. |
000 | Roll on the Extraordinary Ability Table instead of this one. |
1d100 Roll | Number of Languages |
01 to 50 | One |
51 to 70 | Two |
71 to 85 | Three |
86 to 95 | Four |
96 to 99 | Five |
00 | Roll 2 more times on this table and add the results, ignoring 00 if rolled again. |
1d100 Roll | Ability |
01 to 10 | Clairaudience |
11 to 20 | Clairvoyance |
21 to 30 | Detect Thoughts |
31 to 40 | Telepathy |
41 to 50 | Telekinesis |
51 to 59 | Teleportation |
60 to 68 | X-Ray Vision |
69 to 77 | Illusion Generation |
78 to 82 | Levitation |
83 to 87 | Flying |
88 to 92 | Healing (1 point per 6 turns, or 6 points per day) |
93 to 97 | 1d4 Times Normal Strength for 1d10 Turns. Usable once per day. |
98 to 99 | Take Two Rolls Ignoring Scores over 97 |
000 | Take Three Rolls Ignoring Scores over 97 |
Rolling the same Ability twice indicates it is twice normal strength, range, accuracy, etc.
If the sword has Intelligence of 7 or more then it will have an Egoism attribute.
Roll 1d12 to determine the sword’s Egoism attribute value.
Roll 1d10. On a 10 the sword has a Purpose.
It’s Purpose is to slay one of the following types or alignments:
Swords with a Purpose have Intelligence 12, Egoism 12, and an additional ability depending on it’s alignment as follows:
Alignment | Ability |
Lawful | Paralyse Chaotic opponents |
Neutrality | Adds +1 to all saving throws |
Chaotic | Disintegrate Lawful opponents |
This ability will only apply to those whom the sword has been purposed to destroy, or those serving such a creature.
Thus a Lawfully endowed sword for the purpose of slaying (Chaotic) Mages would paralyse Mages and their minions, but it would not use its paralysing power on some wandering Giant.
The general purpose swords, however, would use their powers to defeat any opponent of Lawful or Chaotic nature. Neutral special purpose swords will act against either Law or Chaos equally.
Special purpose swords will always be at their task, and any attempts by their users to go counter to them will cause an immediate influence check to be made.
If a character picks up a sword which is not of the same alignment as them, damage will be taken as follows:
Sword Alignment | Character Alignment | Damage |
Lawful | Chaotic | 2d6 |
Lawful | Neutral | 1d6 |
Neutral | Chaotic | 1d6 |
Neutral | Lawful | 1d6 |
Chaotic | Neutral | 1d6 |
Chaotic | Lawful | 2d6 |
If a non-player character is directed to pick up a sword the damage taken will be halved.
If the sword can communicate, it can tell it’s user what it’s power is. Otherwise the user will have to discover the sword’s power by other means.
If the Intelligence of the sword is more than 5 points above the Intelligence of the character who picks it up, the sword will control that person, also causing their alignment to become the same as the sword.
All Primary Powers and Extraordinary Abilities are passed on to the sword user.
Compare the Egoism attribute score of the sword with the level of the Fighter. The difference between these two numbers determines the effect as shown on the following table:
Difference | Effect |
6 or more | Higher score always prevails |
2 to 5 | Higher score always prevails except in Key Situations |
0 to 1 | Check during any stressful |
To prevail is to be in control of the character’s actions when the sword and characters desires differ.
The sword will attempt to control it’s user in the following key situations:
Key Situation | Sword’s Desire |
User finds a better weapon | Lead its user past the weapon in question. |
Chance of dangerous combat | Lead its user into the combat. |
Meet a higher-level creature or character | Allow itself to be captured by them. |
Meet a creature or character of a lower level | Surrender itself to in order to exercise greater control over its new user. |
User gets treasure | A share of treasure in the form of better scabbards, jewel encrustation, or magical devices to guard it. |
Add the Intelligence and the Egoism of the sword, and add an extra 1 for every Extraordinary Ability the sword has.
Add the user’s Intelligence and Strength modified by the state of the user as determined by the following table:
State of User | Modifier |
Less than 10% damaged | +1d6 |
Mentally and/or physically fatigued, or damage from 10% to 50% | -1d4 |
damage over 50%, or has been under a severe mental strain from some form of magic | -2d4 |
Compare these two scores on the following table to see if the sword or it’s user prevails.
Difference | Result |
6 or more | Higher score prevails |
2 to 5 | 75% chance the higher score will prevail |
0 to 1 | 50% either will prevail |
Those with bonuses of +1, +2 or +3 gain a bonus of equal merit on damage scored, except as noted below.
A small sample of a magic potion can be taken without affecting the whole.
Potions with limited effect: the time will be 1d6 + 6. No potion specifies limited effect!
Some potions will not be detailed here as they duplicate magic already explained or are self-explanatory. Add this detail!!
The drinker does 2d6 damage when they hit instead of the usual 1d6.
This potion doubles the drinker’s speed.
Makes the user believe the Potion is whatever they desire, and each Potion looks like some other type of Potion.
The drinker heals 1d6+1 points of health.
One turn after the potion is consumed the person so doing can control 3d6 small animals, 2d8 medium-sized animals, and 1d6 large ones.
As with Animal Control, but the potion affects from 2-8 under 4 Hit Dice, and from 1-4 Undead with 4 or more Hit Dice.
One turn after the potion is consumed the person so doing can control 2d4 undead under 4 Hit Dice each, and 1d4 undead with 4 or more Hit Dice each.
The drinker can control plants, including fungoid types, 1d6 in number or in 10 square foot area where ground covering plants are considered. The control extends in a 60 foot radius.
Charms humanoids within range of the drinker.
Affects all two-legged, generally mammalian beings near to or less than human-size, but excluding all Creatures in the “Undead” class.
Affected Creatures include Sprites, Pixies, Nixies, Kobolds, Goblins, Orcs, Hobgoblins, and Gnolls.
Quantity affected:
Each affected being can make a saving throw vs. spell, on a fail they become completely under the influence of the drinker.
This effect can be dispelled by Dispel Magic.
Range: 120 feet.
Duration: until dispelled.
1d4 Giants within range of the drinker must save vs. spell. If a Giant fails their saving throw it will become completely under the influence of the drinker.
The “charm” can be dispelled by Dispel Magic.
Range: 120 feet.
Duration: until dispelled.
1d3 Dragons within range of the drinker must save vs. spell. If a Dragon fails their saving throw it will become completely under the influence of the drinker.
The “charm” can be dispelled by Dispel Magic.
Range: 120 feet.
Duration: until dispelled.
This potion applies +2 to Defence and saving throws of the drinker.
More than one dose of this potion during any one week applies -2 to Defence and saving throws of the drinker.
The drinker knows the direction and distance of any treasure horde that is * 5,000 or more pieces of copper, silver or gold, * 50 or more gems. Range: 360 feet.
If drunk by a normal human (a.k.a level 1?) they will act like a hero (4th level Fighter) in all respects, including combat. Detail this
If drunk by a Fighter, they will gain levels depending on their current level:
Current Level | Level Increase |
5 to 7 | by 2 |
8 to 10 | by 1 |
There are 3 types of scrolls: 1. Spell 2. Protection Spell 3. Curse
To determine what spells are on a scroll:
The spell will protect the person and those around them in a 10 foot radius from 2d6 Lycanthropes.
Spell duration is 6 turns.
The spell will protect the person and those around them in a 10 foot radius from a number of Undead according to their Hit Dice:
Undead Hit Dice | Number affected |
1 to 3 4 to 5 6 or more | 2d12 2d6 1d6 |
Spell duration is 6 turns.
The spell will protect the person and those around them in a 10 foot radius from 1 Elemental.
Spell duration is 4 turns.
This spell extends in a 10 foot radius around the user. The circle is mobile, i.e. it will move with the user.
Prevents all magical functions, in or out.
Duration: 8 turns.
A ring must be worn to function.
If more than one ring is worn on one hand, the rings on that hand do not function.
Rings are usable by any type of character.
Rings function as the spell or potion of the same name, but with unlimited duration.
The ring allows the wearer to control 3d6 small mammals or 1d8 large mammals.
This does not include any creatures listed on the Creature Reference Table.
Control is complete, even to having the controlled mammals attack the others with it which are not controlled.
Range is 60 feet.
Can only be removed by a Remove Curse spell that is cast by a Cleric.
The ring immediately begins to drain energy from the wearer, making them weaker at a rate of 10% per turn until a maximum of 50%.
unclear what the % is of! Is this the same as other energy draining effects that reduce level? Is it just % of attack defence capabilities as stated below?
This weakness is reflected in both attack and defence capabilities. What exactly are attack and defence capabilities?
Answer?!: Mentioned in the ALTERNATIVE COMBAT SYSTEM p19 of Men and Magic so Defence is defensive capability
But what is it for a level 1 Fighter to be 10% lower in Defence and attack? Do the maths and round accordingly??
Any Creature attacking the wearer has their rolls to hit modified by -1.
Any saving throws the wearer makes are modifiede by +1.
Saving Throw: 12
As with any wishes, the wishes granted by the ring must be of limited power in order to maintain balance in the game. This requires the utmost discretion on the part of the referee.
Wishing for more wishes will put that character into an endless closed time loop, moving them back to the time they first obtained the wish ring.
A wish for some powerful item could be fulfilled without benefit to the one wishing. For example “I wish for a Mirror of Life Trapping!” would result in the character appearing inside one which is all their own!
Wishes that unfortunate adventures had never happened should be granted.
Wishes for powerful items or great treasure can be granted in the form of clues to obtaining them, rather than the actual objects.
A ring which makes the wearer see whatever they desire.
The wearer will recover damage at the rate of 1 point per turn.
If the wearer is killed they will regenerate and come back to life, unless they are burned or immersed in acid.
The Djinn is the “Servant of the Ring”. It is a permanent servant of the wearer.
The Djinn appears immediately when called.
Objects may be moved by mental force of the wearer.
The weight of the objects can be up to 2000 Gold Pieces weight.
Duration: 6 turns.
Range 120 feet.
The wearer of this ring can see through up to 10 feet of rock, or 60 inches of iron.
Their range of X-Ray vision is 30 feet.
Lead or gold block X-Ray vision.
The user can X-Ray a 10 foot square area during 1 turn. They will note hidden doors and traps in that area.
Any spoken spell (except Finger of Death) aimed directly at the wearer of the ring will be d100% turned back on the caster. The remaining % still affects the wearer of the ring.
Does not function against Wands or Staves.
The spells turned by this ring include those of Dragons and Clerics. Is this distinction required?
A ring containing 1d6 spells of from the 1st through 6th levels.
The spells of each Spell Storing ring are either Mages, Cleric or Chaotic Cleric. Roll on the following table to determine which it is:
1d100 | Spell Type Stored |
1 to 80 | Mage |
81 to 90 | Cleric |
91 to 000 | Chaotic Cleric |
Upon placing it on a finger the wearer will know what spells are in the ring.
This ring is usable by any type of character.
The spells within it can be restored by a Mage or a Cleric. Not stated how
Saving Throw: 10 (12 vs. Lightning attack)
The wearer has the following benefits: * The wearer is unaffected by normal fire and The Wall of Fire spell. * +2 to saving throws against Fire Balls and Dragon Fire. * -1 away from damage caused by Fire Balls and Dragon Fire and other magical fire damage.
Wands can only be used by Mages.
When grasped the wand points towards any large body of metal equal to 1,000 pieces of gold.
The reaction from the Wand will also tell if the metal is precious (Gold, Silver or Copper) or common (iron, steel, lead, etc.)
Range is a 20 feet radius.
Reveals hidden or invisible enemies, that are aware of the Wand user’s (or their associates’) presence.
Range: 60 feet radius.
Reveals the operation of any form of magic within a 20 feet radius.
Has 100 charges
When held the Wand will give warning of Secret Doors and Traps within range.
Range: 20 feet radius.
The wielder creates vivid illusions.
As long as the wielder concentrates on the spell, the illusion will continue.
Discontinued if touched by some living creature.
Damage caused by the illusion is real, if the illusion is believed to be real.
Range: 240 feet.
The Wand wielder can move while employing the Wand to create the Illusion.
100 charges
The Wand affects all creatures within a cone-shaped area emanating from it.
The cone is 60 feet long and 30 feet diameter at the wide end.
All within the cone must make a saving throw against wands or be panicked and flee.
100 charges
The Wand affects all creatures within a cone-shaped area emanating from it.
The cone is 60 feet long and 30 feet diameter at the wide end.
All within the cone must make a saving throw against wands, taking half damage if their saving throw is made, and full damage otherwise.
Damage: 6d6 cold type
100 charges
The Wand affects all creatures within a cone-shaped area emanating from it.
The cone is 60 feet long and 30 feet diameter at the wide end.
All within the cone must make a saving throw against wands, taking half damage if their saving throw is made, and full damage otherwise.
Damage: 6d6
100 charges
Shoots a missile that explodes with fire on impact.
Saving Throw: 14 (16 vs. Lightning attack)
Blast radius on impact: 20 feet.
In a confined space the Fire Ball will conform to the shape of the space (elongate or whatever).
Damage: 6d6 fire type
Duration: 1 turn.
Range: 240 feet.
100 charges
Shoots lightning bolts.
Saving Throws: 14 (16 vs. Fire attack)
Has 100 charges
A lightning bolt is 60 feet long and up to 7.5 feet wide.
If the space is not long enough to allow its full extension, the missile will double back to attain 60 feet length, possibly striking the user of the wand.
The head of the missile may never extend beyond a 240 feet range.
Damage: 6d6
Duration: 1 turn.
Range: 240 feet.
A Wand which casts Polymorph Others or Polymorph Self
Has 100 charges total
Allows the user to take the shape of anything they desire.
They will not acquire the combat abilities of the thing.
They will gain the movement abilities of the thing.
Duration: 6 turns + the level of the Mage employing it.
Allows the user to make another creature take the shape of anything the user desires.
Gives all characteristics of the form of the creature, including combat abilities, but not mentality.
A troll polymorphed into a snail would have innate resistance to being stepped on and crushed by a normal human. (as in the Defence and/or hit points are retained?)
Duration: until dispelled.
Range: 60 feet.
This Wand negates the effects of other Wands.
It can also reduce the damage effects of Staves to 2d6 from the usual 8d6.
The exception to this is being physically hit by a staff as a melee attack is not negated or reduced.
It can be employed against only one Wand or Staff at a time, and the one it is being used against must be stated.
Usable by Clerics only
Heals 1d6 + 2 hit points.
It cannot be used on the same person more than once during any single day.
Usable by Clerics only
+1 to hit with this staff
Damage: 1d6 + 1
On a hit the user can have the Staff wrap itself about the target, in which case: * Human-sized targets become helpless * Non human-sized targets cannot attack * Duration: 1d4 turns * When the duration ends the staff will crawl back to the Cleric who possesses it.
Usable only by Clerics or Mages
Any of the following can be cast from this staff:
The user can control 3d6 small animals, 2d8 medium-sized animals, and 1d6 large animals.
The user can control plants, including fungoid types.
Affects 1d6 individual plants, or a 10 foot square area if ground covering plants.
The control extends in a 60 foot radius.
Charms humanoids within range of the user.
Affects all two-legged, generally mammalian beings near to or less than human-size, but excluding all Creatures in the “Undead” class.
Affected Creatures include Sprites, Pixies, Nixies, Kobolds, Goblins, Orcs, Hobgoblins, and Gnolls.
Quantities affected:
Each affected being can make a saving throw vs. spell, on a fail they become completely under the influence of the user.
This effect can be dispelled by Dispel Magic.
Range: 120 feet.
Duration: until dispelled.
Can shoot out projectile rays of 8th level (8d6 damage).
has 200 charges.
Usable by only Clerics and Mages
A melee weapon that does 2d6 damage.
When it hits an opponent it does 1d6 damage and ages the creature by ten years.
This ageing is without the natural growth that would occur, so they won’t become bigger or stronger, but may become frail and withered as they would if naturally aged by the same period of time.
A creature aged beyond it’s natural life span will die.
Can shoot out projectile rays of 8th level (8d6 damage).
has 200 charges.
Usable by Mages only
Saving Throw: 10
Melee damage: 2d6
Has 200 charges
Can shoot out projectile rays that do 8d6 damage.
The user can make a “Final Strike” with the Staff: * The staff breaks and is destroyed * It hits all creatures in a 30 foot radius * Damage: 8 x the number of charges remaining which is distributed between all the creatures it hits.
Each charge can be used for one of the following:
A cone-shaped area emanates from the staff.
The cone is 60 feet long and 30 feet diameter at the wide end.
All creatures within the cone must make a saving throw against staves, taking half damage if their saving throw is made, and full damage otherwise.
Damage: 8d6 cold type
Shoots a missile that explodes with fire on impact.
Blast radius on impact: 20 feet.
In a confined space the Fire Ball will conform to the shape of the space (elongate or whatever).
Damage: 8d6 fire type
Duration: 1 turn.
Range: 240 feet.
Shoots a lightning bolt.
A lightning bolt is 60 feet long and up to 7.5 feet wide.
If the space is not long enough to allow its full length, the remaining length will be reflected back up to the 60 feet totol. possibly striking its creator.
The head of the missile may never extend beyond the 240 feet range.
Damage: 8d6
Duration: 1 turn.
Range: 240 feet.
Creates a light of 120 feet radius.
Does not equal full daylight.
It continues until dispelled.
Range: 120 feet.
Objects may be moved by mental force.
Weight limits are calculated by multiplying the level of the Mage by 200 Gold Pieces weight.
Duration: 6 turns.
Range 120 feet.
Usable by Mages only
Saving Throw: 12
Melee damage: 2d6
+1 to hit
Has 200 charges
The user can make a “Final Strike” with the Staff: * The staff breaks and is destroyed * It hits all creatures in a 30 foot radius * Damage: 8 x the number of charges remaining distributed between all the creatures it hits.
Each charge can be used for one of the following:
A cone-shaped area emanates from the staff.
The cone is 60 feet long and 30 feet diameter at the wide end.
All creatures within the cone must make a saving throw against staves, taking half damage if their saving throw is made, and full damage otherwise.
Damage: 8d6 cold type
Shoots a missile that explodes with fire on impact.
Blast radius on impact: 20 feet.
In a confined space the Fire Ball will conform to the shape of the space (elongate or whatever).
Damage: 8d6 fire type
Duration: 1 turn.
Range: 240 feet.
Shoots a lightning bolt.
A lightning bolt is 60 feet long and up to 7.5 feet wide.
If the space is not long enough to allow its full length, the remaining length will be reflected back up to the 60 feet totol. possibly striking its creator.
The head of the missile may never extend beyond the 240 feet range.
Damage: 8d6
Duration: 1 turn.
Range: 240 feet.
Creates a light of 120 feet radius.
Does not equal full daylight.
It continues until dispelled.
Range: 120 feet.
Objects may be moved by mental force.
Weight limits are calculated by multiplying the level of the Mage by 200 Gold Pieces weight.
Duration: 6 turns.
Range 120 feet.
The Wand affects all creatures within a cone-shaped area emanating from it.
The cone is 60 feet long and 30 feet diameter at the wide end.
All within the cone must make a saving throw against wands, taking half damage if their saving throw is made, and full damage otherwise.
Damage: 8d6
Lasts until it is broken by the user.
A character cannot remain invisible and attack.
It affects only the person or thing upon whom or which it is cast.
Range: 240 feet.
Create a wall of fire which lasts until the Mage no longer concentrates to maintain it.
The fire wall is opaque.
It prevents creatures with under four hit dice from entering or passing through. That is, level 3 and under.
When a creature level 4 or above passes through the fire, they take 1d6 damage, except undead which take 2d6 of damage.
The shape of the wall can be either a plane of up to 60 feet wide and 20 feet high, or it can be cast in a circle of 15 feet radius and 20 feet high.
Range: 60 feet.
Roll 1d4 to determine how many elementals are summoned
Roll 1d4 for each elemental to determine which type it is earth, wind, fire, or water.
See the ELEMENTALS Creature entry for details.
Opens a hole in a solid rock wall. The hole is of human-sized width and height, and up to 10 feet long through the wall.
Duration: 3 turns.
Range: 30 feet.
They can create a whirlwind that is 10 foot diameter at the base, 20 feet diameter at the top, and 30 feet in height.
A whirlwind will sweep all creatures under two hit dice away.
What does this actually do in game terms? Sweep away means destroy, or just move?
Webs are great sticky masses of strands which are difficult to sever but subject to flame.
It takes 1 turn to create webs to cover a 10 × 10 × 20 foot area.
Creatures can break through the webs by spending their turns on the act. Different creatures take different amount of turns to do so:
Number of Hit Dice | Number of Turns to Break Webs |
8 | 2 |
7 | 3 |
6 | 3 |
5 | 4 |
4 | 4 |
3 | 6 |
2 | 8 |
1 | 16 |
1/2 | 32 |
Creatures with 8 or more Hit Dice can break through them in two turns.
Creatures with 4 Hit Dice will take 4 turns to break through the webs.
Creatures with 2 Hit Dice will take 8 turns to break through the webs.
A Flaming Sword can break through them in one turn.
Has the same effect as the Detect Thoughts spell. Assumed
Roll 1d6 each time it is used and a result of 6 means the medallion malfunctions.
The small scarab absorbs the “Finger of Death” from Evil High Priests.
It can be used 12 times before it disintegrates.
A sack-sized magical bag.
It can hold up to 10,000 Gold Pieces as if they were only 300.
Objects up to 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 3 feet high may be put in the bag. The weight of the bag then becomes 600, regardless of the weight of the object.
This device calls up the Water Elemental.
Only the owner of the item may use it.
It is rather bulky.
Requires one turn to set up or store away if it is carried with an expedition.
Takes one turn to summon the Elemental.
No spell is required.
Water Elemental strength is 12 Hit Dice.
This device calls up the Earth Elemental.
Only the owner of the item may use it.
It is rather bulky.
Requires one turn to set up or store away if it is carried with an expedition.
Takes one turn to summon the Earth Elemental.
The Earth Elemental strength is 12 Hit Dice.
This device calls up the Fire Elemental.
Only the owner of the item may use it.
It is rather bulky.
Requires one turn to set up or store away if it is carried with an expedition.
Takes one turn to summon the Fire Elemental.
The Fire Elemental strength is 12 Hit Dice.
This device calls up the Air Elemental.
Only the owner of the item may use it.
It is rather bulky.
Requires one turn to set up or store away if it is carried with an expedition.
Takes one turn to summon the Air Elemental.
No spell is required.
The Air Elemental strength is 12 Hit Dice.
Contans an Efreet. See the Efreet Creature entry for it’s abilities.
The Efreet will serve the finder of the bottle and only them.
This device warps light waves to make the wearer appear to be up to 10 feet away from where they are actually standing.
It adds +2 to the wearer’s saving throws.
It improves the wearer’s Defence by 2.
Wearing the Cloak makes a person invisible. Originally said ” next to invisible”
The Boots allow for totally silent movement.
Allow the wearer to travel at the speed of 240 feet for up to one full day.
The user must rest for one day after.
These boots lift the caster, all motion being in the vertical plane.
Range of levitation: 20 feet per level of the user.
Upwards motion at 60 feet per turn.
The wearers speed is increased outdoors by 1 hex per day when walking.
In the Underworld they allow leaps of up to 10 feet vertically and 30 feet horizontally.
Allows the owner to fly at 240 feet per turn.
The user must know the “Word of Command” to make it function.
The Broom of Flying will come up to 240 feet when its owner summons it with the command word.
It can carry two people but its speed is reduced to 180 feet per turn.
Wearing this helm allows the person to read any language or magical writing.
Any hit upon its wearer has a 10% of striking the helm and smashing it.
This allows the wearer to read the thoughts of any Creature within 90 feet.
If the wearer’s Intelligence is greater than that of human or humanoid creatures within range of the helm the wearer may attempt to control their mind with suggestions implanted telepathically.
Suggestions will have a +2 effect in their likelihood of being carried out. see Random Actions by Creatures
For effect on other Player Characters, the wearer rolls 1d100+10 and the target character rolls 1d100. If the wearer’s score is higher, the target Character will follow the suggestion. Except a suggestion to kill oneself would not be likely to be carried out.
Treat as non-protective helm if worn into melee. Does this imply the same fragility as the Helm of Reading Magic and Lanuages?
The Mage wearing this helm must have a Teleportation spell prepared in order to use it.
The Mage can Teleport only themselves using this helm.
They can teleport unlimited times using this helm.
Usage of the helm to teleport the wearer does not use up the prepared Teleportation spell.
Treat as a non-protective helm if worn into combat. Does this imply the same fragility as the Helm of Reading Magic and Languages?
The wearer of this helm reverses alignment or becomes Chaotic or Lawful if formerly Neutral.
It can only be removed with the application of a spell to Dispel Magic.
The wearer will make every effort to avoid removal of the helm.
Carries one person at a speed of 300 feet per turn.
Carries from two to three persons at a speed of 180 feet per turn.
The user must know the “Word of Command” to make it function.
It will come up to 240 feet when its owner summons it with the command word.
Magic kettle drums.
Playing them will cause Creatures to make a save vs. magic.
Failed saves cause them to flee in rout.
Creatures with fewer than 5 Hit Dice, and non-carnivorous animals will automatically flee.
The drums may be played while moving provided they are mounted upon some form of carriage or steed.
The drums have no effect in a 10 foot radius area around them.
The path of sound is a cone radiating 100 feet from the horn and ending in a 20 feet base.
Creatures which are in its path will take 2d6 damage and be deafened for one turn if not killed.
When worn, these gauntlets dose 1d6+2 damage.
Wearing this girdle give the following hit probabilities if better than the wearer’s current hit probabilities:
Defence | To Hit |
2 | 11 |
3 | 10 |
4 | 9 |
5 | 8 |
6 | 7 |
7 | 6 |
8 | 5 |
9 | 4 |
Also bestows the “strength” of a Hill Giant. Strength is ambiguous in this context. Regarding Creatures: sometimes “strength” refers to damage dice, sometimes “strength” refers to Hit Dice. And of course PCs have their strength Attribute score
A mirror about the size of a buckler.
It traps certain species who look into it. The corporeal body of a trapped person disappears, and appears upon release.
Effective only on Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Undead.
A person trapped can be released by being called forth by the Mage possessing the mirror.
If the mirror is broken all those that are trapped are released.
Trapped persons are held in separate areas of the mirror.
Trapped persons can be conversed with while they are trapped.
Undead are powerless within the mirror.
Will hold up to 20 lives.
If it is openly displayed there is a 90% chance an unsuspecting creature will look into it and be trapped.
There is a 10% chance a knowing person will be unable to avoid looking into it.
A Mage cannot do anything else while operating the mirror, but the mirror can be set up to operate untended, such as on a wall.
Range: 10 feet.
Probably best to write generic magic item saving throw rules, and move the save stats to each magic item description
Some Magic Items can survive being hit by the following damage types:
Magic Items that do not have a Saving Throw are destroyed by the above damage types.
If a magic item is being worn or held, and the bearer of it is killed by any of the above damage types, then make a saving throw for the item.
If a magic item is not being worn or held, I.E. on it’s own, and is hit by any of the above damage types, then make a saving throw for the item.
If the Magic Item has a saving throw, then roll it’s Saving Throw number or higer on 1d20 for it to survive, otherwis it is destroyed.
Magic Item | Saving Throw |
+1 Armour, Shield, or Weapon | 14 |
+2 Armour, Shield, or Weapon | 12 |
+3 Armour, Shield, or Weapon | 10 |