
Their Primary Attribute is Wisdom.

Experience Modification number calculation

Add 1 point to their Experience Modification number for every 3 points of their Strength above 9.

Add 1 point to their Experience Modification number for every 2 points of their Intelligence above 9.

xp_mod = wis + max (0, floor((int - 8) / 2) + floor((str - 8) / 3));

Clerics can cast Divine Spells. See the Magic And Spells section.

Clerics can use magic armour

Clerics can use magic weapons that do not have a sharp edge. This means they cannot use Magic Swords or simailar, and cannot use magic Arrows.

Clerics can perform Magical Research.

If a Cleric reaches 7th level (Lama) and their Alignment is Neutral, then they must change their Alignment to either Law or Chaos.

Cleric Attacking vs. Target’s Defence
Cleric Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 to 4 17+ 16+ 15+ 14+ 13+ 12+ 11+ 10+
5 to 8 15+ 14+ 13+ 12+ 11+ 10+ 9+ 8+
Cleric Saving Throws
Cleric Level Death Ray or Poison Wands Being Turned to Stone Dragon Breath Staves & Spells
1 to 4 11 12 14 16 15
5 to 8 9 10 12 14 12
Cleric Levels
Level Title Experience Required Hit Point Level 1 Spells Level 2 Spells Level 3 Spells Level 4 Spells Level 5 Spells
1 Acolyte 0 1d6 - - - - -
2 Adept 1,500 2d6 1 - - - -
3 Village Priest 3,000 3d6 2 - - - -
4 Vicar 6,000 4d6 2 1 - - -
5 Curate 12,000 4d6+1 2 2 - - -
6 Bishop 25,000 5d6 2 2 1 1 -
7 Lama 50,000 6d6 2 2 2 1 1
8 Patriarch 100,000 7d6+1 2 2 2 2 2

Clerics Versus Undead Creatures

Clerics have the ability to turn away or destroy Undead Creatures.

To do so, look up the Creature vs. the Cleric’s level on the following table.

Cleric vs. Undead
Creature Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Skeleton 7 T T D D D D D
Zombie 9 7 T T D D D D
Ghoul 11 9 7 T T D D D
Wight N 11 9 7 T T D D
Wraith N N 11 9 7 T T D
Mummy N N N 11 9 7 T T
Spectre N N N N 11 9 7 T
Vampire N N N N N 11 9 7

Numbers are the score to match or exceed with 2d6 in order to turn away the Creature.

T = 2d6 of these Creatures are turned away automatically.

D = 2d6 of these Creatures are dispelled/dissolved.

N = Clerics of this level have no effect on these Creatures.

Fortification Building

A level 8 Cleric (Patriarch) can build their own Fortification.

If they spend 100,000 Gold Pieces in constructing their Fortification, they may build one worth 200,000. Their deity provides the extra Gold in this case.

The following religious Humans will come to inhabit a Patriarch’s Fortification, and they will serve for free.

A Patriarch will receive tithes of 20 Gold Pieces per inhabitant per year.

If a Patriarch changes sides between Law and Chaos, the tithes will stop, and the religious Humans who server them will leave.

Cleric Spells by Spell Level

1st Level

2nd Level

3rd Level

4th Level

5th Level

*Reversed by Evil Clerics. See spell descriptions.

Evil Clerics

Evil Clerics are the same as normal Clerics except in the ways described below.

Evil Clerics do not have the Clerics Versus Undead Creatures ability.

Level Title
1 Evil Acolyte
2 Evil Adept
3 Shaman
4 Evil Priest
5 Evil Curate
6 Evil Bishop
7 Evil Lama
8 Evil High Priest

Clerical spells indicated on the lists of Cleric Spells above have the reverse of the effect in the Spell’s description. All other Spells function as stated.

The Raise Dead Spell is replaced by The Finger of Death Spell.