
Their Primary Attribute is Strength.

Add 1 point to their Experience Modification number for every 2 points of Intelligence above 9.

Add 1 point to their Experience Modification number for every 3 points of Wisdom above 9.

xp_mod = str + max (0, floor((int - 8) / 2) + floor((wis - 8) / 3));

Fighters can use all magic weapons. and magic armour? Implied elsewhere?

The following are the only other magic items they can use:

Revise this list by checking what magic items have been scrapped

They cannot use spells except for Protection Spell Scrolls.

A Baron is a Lord who builds a Fortification in the Wilderness.

Barons can invest in their territory as detailed in the Baronies rules.

Fighter Levels
Level Title Experience Required Hit Points
1 Veteran 0 1d6 + 1
2 Warrior 2,000 2d6
3 Swordsman 4,000 3d6
4 Hero* 8,000 4d6
5 Swashbuckler 16,000 5d6 + 1
6 Myrmidon** 32,000 6d6
7 Champion 64,000 7d6 + 1
8 Super Hero 120,000 8d6 + 2
9 Lord 240,000 9d6 + 3

*Highest level for Elf and Halfling

**Highest level for Dwarf

Fighter Attacking
Fighter’s Level Target Defence Target 2 Def Target ence 3 Target Defenc Target e 4 D Target efence 5 Target Defe Target nce 6 Defence 7 Defence 8 Defence 9
1 to 3 17+ 16+ 15+ 14+ 13+ 12+ 11+ 10+
4 to 6 15+ 14+ 13+ 12+ 11+ 10+ 9+ 8+
7 to 9 12+ 11+ 10+ 9+ 8+ 7+ 6+ 5+
Fighter Saving Throws
Level Death Ray or Poison Wands Being Turned to Stone Dragon Breath Staves & Spells
1 to 3 12 13 14 15 16
4 to 6 10 11 12 13 14
7 to 9 8 9 10 10 12