
Their Primary Attribute is Intelligence.

Add 1 point to their Experience Modification number for every 2 points of Wisdom above 9.

xp_mod = int + max (0, floor((wis - 8) / 2));

Mages can cast Arcane Spells. See the Magic And Spells section.

Mages cannot use magic weapons or magic armour, except if they are an Elf.

Only Mages can use wands.

Daggers are the only weapons they can use, except if they are an Elf.

Mages can perform Magical Research. See the Magical Research section.

A level 11 Mage (Wizard) can manufacture potions, scrolls, or any other Magic Item. See the Costs of Manufacturing Magic Items table below.

Mage Experience points required for each Level
Level Title Experience
1 Medium 0
2 Seer 2,500
3 Conjurer 5,000
4 Theurgist 10,000
5 Thaumaturgist 20,000
6 Magician 35,000
7 Enchanter 50,000
8 Warlock* 75,000
9 Sorcerer 100,000
10 Necromancer 200,000
11 Wizard 300,000

*Highest level for Elf

Mage Attacking vs. Target’s Defence
Mage’s Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 to 5 17+ 16+ 15+ 14+ 13+ 12+ 11+ 10+
6 to 10 15+ 14+ 13+ 12+ 11+ 10+ 9+ 8+
11 12+ 11+ 10+ 9+ 8+ 7+ 6+ 5+
Mage Saving Throws
Level Death Ray or Poison Wands Being Turned to Stone Dragon Breath Staves & Spells
1 to 5 13 14 13 16 15
6 to 10 11 12 11 14 12
11 8 9 8 11 8
Mage Hit Points and Maximum Spells per Level
Level Title Hit Points Level 1 Spells Level 2 Spells Level 3 Spells Level 4 Spells Level 5 Spells
1 Medium 1d6 1 - - - -
2 Seer 1d6+1 2 - - - -
3 Conjurer 2d6 3 1 - - -
4 Theurgist 2d6+1 4 2 - - -
5 Thaumaturgist 3d6 4 2 1 - -
6 Magician 3d6+1 4 2 2 - -
7 Enchanter 4d6 4 3 2 1 -
8 Warlock 5d6 4 3 3 2 -
9 Sorcerer 6d6+1 4 3 3 2 1
10 Necromancer 7d6 4 4 3 3 2
11 Wizard 8d6+1 4 4 4 3 3
Costs of Manufacturing Magic Items
Item Cost in Gold Pieces Time Required
Spell Scroll 100 * spell level 1 * spell level weeks
Potion of Healing 250 1 week
Potion of Giant Strength 1,000 4 weeks
Enchanting 20 Arrows 1,000 4 weeks
Enchanting Armour to +1 2,000 2 months
Wand of Cold 10,000 6 months
X-Ray Vision Ring 50,000 1 year

Mage Spells by Spell Level

1st Level

2nd Level

3rd Level

4th Level

5th Level

*Reversible. See spell descriptions.